
Export 1278 results:
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Reinforcement learning for optimization of COVID-19 mitigation policies, Kompella, V., Capobianco R., Jong S., Browne J., Fox S., Meyers L., Wurman P., and Stone P. , Volume {2884}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Restraining Bolts for Reinforcement Learning Agents, Giacomo, De, Favorito Marco, Iocchi Luca, and Patrizi Fabio , Volume {34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, Number {9}, p.13659-13662, (2020)
Rischi per la salute associati con le pratiche di ornamento corporeo: conoscenze ed esperienze di un campione di studenti universitari, Protano, C, Valeriani F, Marotta D, Bargellini A, Bianco A, Colucci Me, Coniglio Ma, Dallolio L, Diella G, Di Giuseppe G, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.830-830, (2021)
RLupus: Cooperation through emergent communication in the Werewolf social deduction game, Brandizzi, N., Grossi D., and Iocchi L. , INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE, Volume {15}, Number {2}, p.55-70, (2021)
RLupus: Cooperation through emergent communication in the Werewolf social deduction game, Brandizzi, N., Grossi D., and Iocchi L. , INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE, Volume {15}, Number {2}, p.55-70, (2021)
RoboCare: intelligenza distribuita per l'assistenza agli anziani in ambiente domestico, Bahadori, S., Cesta A., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Leone G. R., Nardi D., Pecora F., and Rasconi R. , Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 1, Number 1, p.16–21, (2004)
RoboCare: intelligenza distribuita per l'assistenza agli anziani in ambiente domestico, Bahadori, S., Cesta A., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Leone G. R., Nardi Daniele, Pecora F., and Rasconi R. , Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 1, Number 1, p.16–21, (2004)
RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: A Successful Robotics Competition during a Pandemic [Competitions], Stone, P., Iocchi L., Tonidandel F., and Zhou C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {28}, Number {4}, p.114-119, (2021)
RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: A Successful Robotics Competition during a Pandemic [Competitions], Stone, P., Iocchi L., Tonidandel F., and Zhou C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {28}, Number {4}, p.114-119, (2021)
RoboCup: A Treasure Trove of Rich Diversity for Research Issues and Interdisciplinary Connections [TC Spotlight], Asada, M., Stone P., Veloso M., Lee D., and Nardi D. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {26}, Number {3}, p.99-102, (2019)
RoboCup@ Home-Objects: benchmarking object recognition for home robots, Massouh, Nizar, Brigato Lorenzo, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {11531}, Number {False}, p.397-407, (2019)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots, Iocchi, Luca, Holz Dirk, Del Solar Javier Ruiz, Sugiura Komei, and van der Zant Tijn , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {229}, Number {False}, p.258-281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots, Iocchi, Luca, Holz Dirk, Del Solar Javier Ruiz, Sugiura Komei, and van der Zant Tijn , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {229}, Number {False}, p.258-281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and Results of Evolving Competitions for Domestic and Service Robots, Iocchi, L., Holz D., Ruiz-del-Solar J., Sugiura K., and van der Zant T. , Artificial Intelligence, Volume 229, p.258–281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Education: A New Format for Educational Competitions, Iocchi, L., Tan J. T. C., and Castro S. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.235-242, (2021)
RoboCup@Home: Scientific Competition and Benchmarking for Domestic Service Robots, Wisspeintner, T., van der Zant T., Iocchi L., and Schiffer S. , Interaction Studies, Volume 10, Number 3, p.392–426, (2009)
RoboCup@Home: Scientific Competition and Benchmarking for Domestic Service Robots, Wisspeintner, T., van der Zant T., Iocchi L., and Schiffer S. , Interaction Studies, Volume 10, Number 3, p.392–426, (2009)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, and Roberto Basili , Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, and Roberto Basili , Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., and Mecella M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2797-2809, (2016)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., and Mecella M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2797-2809, (2016)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., and Mecella M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2797-2809, (2016)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., and Mecella M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2797-2809, (2016)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, Nguyen Duc, Terracina Annalisa, Iocchi Luca, and Mecella Massimo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES, Volume {14}, Number {1}, p.64-76, (2016)
Robotic teaching assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" problem, Thien, N. D., Iocchi L., Terracina A., and Mecella M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2797-2809, (2016)
Robotic Teaching Assistance for the "Tower of Hanoi" Problem, Nguyen, Duc Thien, Terracina Annalisa, Iocchi Luca, and Mecella Massimo , {IJDET}, Volume 14, Number 1, p.64–76, (2016)
Robotics competitions and challenges, Nardi, Daniele, Roberts Jonathan, Veloso Manuela, and Fletcher Luke , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1759-1783, (2016)
Robotics competitions and challenges, Nardi, Daniele, Roberts Jonathan, Veloso Manuela, and Fletcher Luke , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1759-1783, (2016)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites, Serafin, Jacopo, Di Cicco Maurilio, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, C. Stachniss, and A. Ziparo V. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.121-140, (2016)
Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites, Serafin, Jacopo, Di Cicco Maurilio, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, C. Stachniss, and A. Ziparo V. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.121-140, (2016)
Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites, Serafin, Jacopo, Di Cicco Maurilio, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, C. Stachniss, and A. Ziparo V. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.121-140, (2016)
Robust Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration of RGB-D Cameras, Basso, Filippo, Menegatti Emanuele, and Pretto Alberto , IEEE Transactions on Robotics (to appear), (2018)
A robust semi-semantic approach for visual localization in urban environment, Cascianelli, Silvia, Costante Gabriele, Bellocchio Enrico, Valigi Paolo, L. Mario Fravolini, and A. Thomas Ciarfuglia , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2016)
Robust Spoken Language Understanding for House Service Robots, Vanzo, Andrea, Croce Danilo, Bastianelli Emanuele, Basili Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , POLIBITS, Volume {54}, Number {False}, p.11-16, (2016)
Robust visual semi-semantic loop closure detection by a covisibility graph and CNN features, Cascianelli, Silvia, Costante Gabriele, Bellocchio Enrico, Valigi Paolo, Fravolini Mario Luca, and Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {92}, Number {False}, p.53-65, (2017)
RoCKIn Innovation Through Robot Competitions [Competitions], Lima, P., Nardi Daniele, Kraetzschmar G., Berghofer J., Matteucci M., and Buchanan G. , Robotics Automation Magazine, IEEE, June, Volume 21, Number 2, p.8-12, (2014)
RoCKIn-Benchmarking Through Robot Competitions, Saffiotti, Alessandro, Van Der Zant Tijn, Lima Pedro U., Iocchi Luca, Kraetzschmar Gerhard K., Nardi Daniele, Miraldo Pedro, Bastianelli Emanuele, and Capobianco Roberto , (2017)
RoCKIn@Home: domestic robots challenge, Iocchi, Luca, Kraetzschmar G., Nardi Daniele, Lima Pedro U., Miraldo Pedro, Bastianelli Emanuele, and Capobianco Roberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.25-46, (2017)
RoCKIn@Home: domestic robots challenge, Iocchi, Luca, Kraetzschmar G., Nardi Daniele, Lima Pedro U., Miraldo Pedro, Bastianelli Emanuele, and Capobianco Roberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.25-46, (2017)
The Role of the Input in Natural Language Video Description, Cascianelli, Silvia, Costante Gabriele, Devo Alessandro, Ciarfuglia Thomas A., Valigi Paolo, and Fravolini Mario L. , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, Volume {22}, Number {1}, p.271-283, (2020)
A ROS-Based Framework for Simulation and Benchmarking of Multi-robot Patrolling Algorithms, Portugal, D., Iocchi L., and Farinelli A. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.3-28, (2019)
RoSmEEry: Robotic Simulated Environment for Evaluation and Benchmarking of Semantic Mapping Algorithms, Kaszuba, Sara, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07938, (2021)
RoSmEEry: Robotic Simulated Environment for Evaluation and Benchmarking of Semantic Mapping Algorithms, Kaszuba, Sara, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Safety in wine production. A pilot study on the quality evaluation of prosecco wine in the framework of ue regulation, Marcotrigiano, V., Cinquetti S., Flamini R., De Rosso M., Ferraro L., Petrilli S., Poggi M., Dettori A., De Polo A., De Giglio O., et al. , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume {17}, Number {9}, p.1-10, (2020)
SARS-CoV-2 indoor contamination: considerations on anti-COVID-19 management of ventilation systems, and finishing materials in healthcare facilities, Gola, M, Caggiano G, De Giglio O, Napoli C, Diella G, Carlucci M, Carpagnano L F., D'Alessandro D, Joppolo C M., Capolongo S, et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
S-AVE Semantic Active Vision Exploration and Mapping of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots, Jaramillo, José V., Capobianco Roberto, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2020)
S-AVE Semantic Active Vision Exploration and Mapping of Indoor Environments for Mobile Robots, Jaramillo, José V., Capobianco Roberto, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2020)
