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Comparison of effectiveness of multi-objective genetic algorithms in optimization of invertible S-boxes, Kapuściński, Tomasz, Nowicki Robert K., and Napoli Christian , Volume {10246}, Number {False}, p.466-476, (2017)
Application of Genetic Algorithms in the Construction of Invertible Substitution Boxes, Kapuściński, T, Nowicki R, and Napoli C , Volume {9692}, Number {False}, p.380-391, (2016)
RoSmEEry: Robotic Simulated Environment for Evaluation and Benchmarking of Semantic Mapping Algorithms, Kaszuba, Sara, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Speech Act Classification in Collaborative Robotics, Kaszuba, Sara, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Leotta Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2169-2175, (2023)
A Preliminary Study on Virtual Reality Tools in Human-Robot Interaction, Kaszuba, S., Leotta F., and Nardi D. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.81-90, (2021)
Empowering Collaboration: A Pipeline for Human-Robot Spoken Interaction in Collaborative Scenarios, Kaszuba, Sara, Caposiena Julien, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Leotta Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.95-107, (2023)
A Preliminary Study on Virtual Reality Tools in Human-Robot Interaction, Kaszuba, Sara, Leotta Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, p.81–90, (2021)
RoSmEEry: Robotic Simulated Environment for Evaluation and Benchmarking of Semantic Mapping Algorithms, Kaszuba, Sara, Sabbella Sandeep Reddy, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07938, (2021)
A Preliminary Study on Virtual Reality Tools in Human-Robot Interaction, Kaszuba, S., Leotta F., and Nardi D. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.81-90, (2021)
Swarm SLAM: Challenges and Perspectives, Kegeleirs, M., Grisetti G., and Birattari M. , FRONTIERS IN ROBOTICS AND AI, Volume {8}, Number {618268}, p.618268-False, (2021)
Multi-robot and multi-camera patrolling, King, Christopher, M Espina Valera, Grech Raphael, Mullen Robert, Remagnino Paolo, Iocchi L., Marchetti L., Nardi D., Monekosso D., and Nicolescu Mircea , Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance, p.255-286, (2012)
Graph-Based Task Libraries for Robots: Generalization and Autocompletion, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , 14th Italian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p.397-409, (2015)
Graph-based task libraries for robots: generalization and autocompletion, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.397-409, (2015)
Multi-Robot Task Acquisition through Sparse Coordination, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p.2823–2828, (2015)
Learning Environmental Knowledge From Task-Based-Robot Dialog, Kollar, Thomas, Perera Vittorio, Nardi D., and Veloso Manuela , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-13), p.4304-4309, (2013)
Reinforcement learning for optimization of COVID-19 mitigation policies, Kompella, V., Capobianco R., Jong S., Browne J., Fox S., Meyers L., Wurman P., and Stone P. , Volume {2884}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Reinforcement learning for optimization of COVID-19 mitigation policies, Kompella, V., Capobianco R., Jong S., Browne J., Fox S., Meyers L., Wurman P., and Stone P. , Volume {2884}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
The impact of parallel programming on faster image filtering, Ksiazek, Kamil, Marszałek Zbigniew, Capizzi Giacomo, Napoli Christian, Połapl Dawid, and Wozniak Marcin , Volume {15}, Number {False}, p.545-550, (2018)
Faster image filtering via parallel programming, Książek, Kamil, Marszałek Zbigniew, Capizzi Giacomo, Napoli Christian, Połap Dawid, and Woźniak Marcin , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, Volume {16}, Number {1}, p.55-67, (2019)
Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping for Robust Service Robotics, Kuemmerle, R., Grisetti G., Stachniss C., and Burgard W. , Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), October, Half Moon Bay, CA, USA, (2011)
Simultaneous Calibration, Localization, and Mapping, Kuemmerle, R., Grisetti G., and Burgard W. , Proceedings of the {IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September, San Francisco, CA, USA, (2011)
Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping, Kuemmerle, R., Grisetti G., and Burgard W. , Advanced Robotics, Volume 26, Number 17, p.2021–2041, (2012)
Large Scale Graph-based SLAM using Aerial Images as Prior Information, Kuemmerle, R., Steder B., Dornhege C., Kleiner A., Grisetti G., and Burgard W. , Journal of Autonomous Robots, Volume 30, Number 1, p.25–39, (2011)
Semi-autonomous Coordinated Exploration in Rescue Scenarios, La Cesa, S., Farinelli A., Iocchi L., Nardi D., Sbarigia M., and Zaratti M. , RoboCup07-title, p.286–293, (2007)
A Discussion about Explainable Inference on Sequential Data via Memory-Tracking, La Rosa, B., Capobianco R., and Nardi D. , Volume {3078}, Number {False}, p.33-44, (2022)
A self-interpretable module for deep image classification on small data, La Rosa, B, Capobianco R, and Nardi D , APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2022)
Explainable inference on sequential data via memory-tracking, La Rosa, Biagio, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Explainable Inference on Sequential Data via Memory-Tracking, La Rosa, Biagio, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), (2020)
A Discussion about Explainable Inference on Sequential Data via Memory-Tracking, La Rosa, B., Capobianco R., and Nardi D. , Volume {3078}, Number {False}, p.33-44, (2022)
State of the Art of Visual Analytics for eXplainable Deep Learning, La Rosa, Biagio, Blasilli Graziano, Bourqui Romain, Auber David, Santucci Giuseppe, Capobianco Roberto, Bertini Enrico, Giot Romain, and Angelini Marco , COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2023)
Explainable inference on sequential data via memory-tracking, La Rosa, Biagio, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Explainable inference on sequential data via memory-tracking, La Rosa, Biagio, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Explainable inference on sequential data via memory-tracking, La Rosa, Biagio, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
A Moon Optical Navigation Robotic Facility on Simulated TERrain: MONSTER, Latorre, Francesco, Carbone Andrea, SASIDHARAN Sarathchandrakumar T. H. O. T. T. U. C. H. I. R., Ciabatti Giulia, Spiller Dario, Curti Fabio, and Capobianco Roberto , THE JOURNAL OF THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2022)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
Efficient Long-term Mapping in Dynamic Environments, Lázaro, M. T., Capobianco R., and Grisetti G. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.153-160, (2018)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
A lightweight navigation system for mobile robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Proc. of Third Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2017), Nov 22-24, Sevilla, Spain, (2017)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
Efficient long-term mapping in dynamic environments, Lázaro, María T., Capobianco Roberto, and Grisetti Giorgio , 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), p.153–160, (2018)
Multi-Robot SLAM using Condensed Measurements, Lázaro, M. T., Paz L. M., Piniés P., Castellanos J. A., and Grisetti G. , IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (2013)
Dynamic Window Indoor Navigation for a Quadrotor Using RGBD Sensor, Lee, Daewon, Di Cicco Maurilio, Grisetti Giorgio, and Lee Daniel , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2016)
Task-oriented conversational agent self-learning based on sentiment analysis, Leggeri, S., Esposito A., and Iocchi L. , Volume {2244}, Number {False}, p.4-15, (2018)
Task-oriented Conversational Agent Self-learning Based on Sentiment Analysis, Leggeri, Serena, Esposito Andrea, and Iocchi Luca , (2018)
Automatic Generation and Learning of Finite-State Controllers, Leonetti, M., Iocchi L., and Patrizi Fabio , Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, Volume 7557, p.135-144, (2012)
Rappresentazione di piani con scelte ed azioni stocastiche, Leonetti, M. , (2005)
A synthesis of automated planning and reinforcement learning for efficient, robust decision-making, Leonetti, Matteo, Iocchi Luca, and Stone Peter , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {241}, Number {False}, p.103-130, (2016)
