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Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls, Iocchi, Luca, GRANON MARIA T. E. R. E. S. A. L. A. Z., Jeanpierre Laurent, and Mouaddib Abdel Illah , Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls, Iocchi, Luca, GRANON MARIA T. E. R. E. S. A. L. A. Z., Jeanpierre Laurent, and Mouaddib Abdel Illah , Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls, Iocchi, Luca, GRANON MARIA T. E. R. E. S. A. L. A. Z., Jeanpierre Laurent, and Mouaddib Abdel Illah , Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Plane Extraction for Indoor Place Recognition, Potena, Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Volume 9386, p.530-540, (2015)
Plane extraction for indoor place recognition, Potena, Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {9386}, Number {False}, p.530-540, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl Johann, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Lincoln, United Kingdom, p.1–6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
PTracking: Distributed Multi-Agent Multi-Object Tracking through Multi-Clustered Particle Filtering, Previtali, Fabio, and Iocchi Luca , IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, p.110-115, (2015)
PTracking: Distributed Multi-Agent Multi-Object Tracking through Multi-Clustered Particle Filtering, Previtali, Fabio, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.110-115, (2015)
Real-Time Adaptive Background Modeling in Fast Changing Conditions, Pennisi, Andrea, Previtali Fabio, Bloisi Domenico D., and Iocchi Luca , Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on, p.1-6, (2015)
Real-time adaptive background modeling in fast changing conditions, Pennisi, Andrea, Previtali Fabio, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2015)
Real-Time Cloud-based Game Management System via Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Polap, D, Wozniak D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Volume {61}, Number {4}, p.333-338, (2015)
Real-Time Cloud-based Game Management System via Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Polap, D, Wozniak D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Volume {61}, Number {4}, p.333-338, (2015)
Reducing interferences in wireless communication systems by mobile agents with recurrent neural networks-based adaptive channel equalization, Beritelli, F, Capizzi G, G Sciuto Lo, Napoli C, Tramontana E., and Wozniak M. , Volume {9662}, Number {False}, p.96621U-96621U-9, (2015)
Reducing interferences in wireless communication systems by mobile agents with recurrent neural networks-based adaptive channel equalization, Beritelli, F, Capizzi G, G Sciuto Lo, Napoli C, Tramontana E., and Wozniak M. , Volume {9662}, Number {False}, p.96621U-96621U-9, (2015)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and Results of Evolving Competitions for Domestic and Service Robots, Iocchi, L., Holz D., Ruiz-del-Solar J., Sugiura K., and van der Zant T. , Artificial Intelligence, Volume 229, p.258–281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots, Iocchi, Luca, Holz Dirk, Del Solar Javier Ruiz, Sugiura Komei, and van der Zant Tijn , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {229}, Number {False}, p.258-281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots, Iocchi, Luca, Holz Dirk, Del Solar Javier Ruiz, Sugiura Komei, and van der Zant Tijn , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {229}, Number {False}, p.258-281, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, and Roberto Basili , Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Giuseppe Castellucci, Danilo Croce, and Roberto Basili , Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)
Screening for Infectious diseases among newly arrived migrants. experiences and practices in non-EU countries of the Mediterranean basin and Black Sea, Napoli, C, Dente Mg, Kärki T, Riccardo R, Rossi P, and Declich S , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume {12}, Number {12}, p.15550-15558, (2015)
Searching Design Patterns Fast by Using Tree Traversals, Cicciarella, S, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Volume {61}, Number {4}, p.321-326, (2015)
A software architecture assisting workflow executions on cloud resources, Borowik, G, Wozniak M, Fornaia A, Giunta R, Napoli C, Pappalardo G, and Tramontana E , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Volume {61}, Number {1}, p.17-23, (2015)
Speaky for robots: the development of vocal interfaces for robotic applications, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, Carlucci Luigia, Giacomelli Fabrizio, and Manes Nicolamaria , APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, Volume {44}, Number {1}, p.43-66, (2015)
Speaky for robots: the development of vocal interfaces for robotic applications, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, Carlucci Luigia, Giacomelli Fabrizio, and Manes Nicolamaria , APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, Volume {44}, Number {1}, p.43-66, (2015)
Is swarm intelligence able to create mazes?, Polap, D, Wozniak M, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, Volume {61}, Number {4}, p.305-310, (2015)
Synthetical Benchmarking of Service Robots: A First Effort on Domestic Mobile Platforms, Cheng, Min, Chen Xiaoping, Tang Keke, Wu Feng, Kupcsik Andras, Iocchi Luca, Chen Yingfeng, and Hsu David , RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup {XIX} [papers from the 19th Annual RoboCup International Symposium, Hefei, China, July 23, 2015]., p.377–388, (2015)
Synthetical benchmarking of service robots: A first effort on domestic mobile platforms, Cheng, Min, Chen Xiaoping, Tang Keke, Wu Feng, Kupcsik Andras, Iocchi Luca, Chen Yingfeng, and Hsu David , Volume {9513}, Number {False}, p.377-388, (2015)
Task Recognition and Generalization in Long-Term Robot Teaching, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS 2015), p.1879–1880, (2015)
On Task Recognition and Generalization in Long-Term Robot Teaching, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, p.1879–1880, (2015)
On task recognition and generalization in long-term robot teaching, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {3}, Number {False}, p.1879-1880, (2015)
Teaching Robots Parametrized Executable Plans Through Spoken Interaction, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Bastianelli Emanuele, and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, p.851–859, (2015)
Teaching robots parametrized executable plans through spoken interaction, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Bastianelli Emanuele, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.851-859, (2015)
Toward 2D Image Classifier Based on Firefly Algorithm with Simplified Sobel Filter, Napoli, C, Pappalardo G, Tramontana E, Borowik G, Polap D, and Wozniak M , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.185-189, (2015)
Toward work groups classification based on probabilistic neural network approach, Napoli, C, Pappalardo G, Tramontana E, Nowicki R, Starczewski J, and Wozniak M , Volume {9119}, Number {False}, p.79-89, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach, Costante, Gabriele, Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro, Valigi Paolo, and Ricci Elisa , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach, Costante, Gabriele, Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro, Valigi Paolo, and Ricci Elisa , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach, Costante, Gabriele, Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro, Valigi Paolo, and Ricci Elisa , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
A User Perspective on the Rovina Project, Amos, Ziparo Vittorio, Daniele Calisi, Grisetti Giorgio, Serafin Jacopo, Marc Prosmans, Van Gool Luc, Bastian Leibe, Di Stefano Maurizio, Luigi Petti, Wolfram Burgard, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.578-585, (2015)
A User Perspective on the Rovina Project, Amos, Ziparo Vittorio, Daniele Calisi, Grisetti Giorgio, Serafin Jacopo, Marc Prosmans, Van Gool Luc, Bastian Leibe, Di Stefano Maurizio, Luigi Petti, Wolfram Burgard, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.578-585, (2015)
A User Perspective on the Rovina Project, Amos, Ziparo Vittorio, Daniele Calisi, Grisetti Giorgio, Serafin Jacopo, Marc Prosmans, Van Gool Luc, Bastian Leibe, Di Stefano Maurizio, Luigi Petti, Wolfram Burgard, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.578-585, (2015)
A User Perspective on the Rovina Project, Amos, Ziparo Vittorio, Daniele Calisi, Grisetti Giorgio, Serafin Jacopo, Marc Prosmans, Van Gool Luc, Bastian Leibe, Di Stefano Maurizio, Luigi Petti, Wolfram Burgard, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.578-585, (2015)
Using AOP neural networks to infer user behaviours and interests, Fornaia, A, Napoli C, Pappalardo G, and Tramontana E , Volume {1382}, Number {False}, p.46-52, (2015)
Using semantic maps for robust natural language interaction with robots, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Croce Danilo, Basili Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , {INTERSPEECH} 2015, 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, p.1393–1397, (2015)
Using Semantic Maps for Robust Natural Language Interaction with Robots, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1393-1397, (2015)
Using Semantic Maps for Robust Natural Language Interaction with Robots, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1393-1397, (2015)
Using Semantic Models for Robust Natural Language Human Robot Interaction, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Croce Danilo, Basili Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , AI*IA 2015 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XIVth International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, p.343–356, (2015)
Using Semantic Models for Robust Natural Language Human Robot Interaction, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Croce Danilo, Basili Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.343-356, (2015)
