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Knowledge-based access to the Web, Calvanese, Diego, De Giacomo Giuseppe, Iocchi L., Lenzerini Maurizio, and Nardi D. , Proceedings of 5th AI*IA Symposium, (1996)
Moving a Robot from a Theory of Actions, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , Proceedings of the AAAI'96 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions, Planning and Control: Bridging the Gap, Portland (USA), (1996)
Moving a Robot from a Theory of Actions, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Rosati Riccardo , Proceedings of the AAAI'96 Workshop on Reasoning about Actions, Planning and Control: Bridging the Gap, Portland (USA), (1996)
Moving a Robot: The KR&R Approach at Work, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , IN PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING (KR-96, p.198–209, (1996)
Planning with Sensing for a Mobile Robot, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , Proc. of 4th European Conference on Planning (ECP'97), (1997)
Knowledge representation techniques for information extraction on the Web, De Rosa, Mattia, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of Webnet 98, (1998)
Materializing the Web, De Rosa, Mattia, Catarci Tiziana, Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Santucci Giuseppe , Proceedings of the 3rd IFCIS Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'98), (1998)
A Theory and Implementation of Cognitive Mobile Robots, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 5, Number 9, p.759–785, (1999)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Token Generation, Farinelli, A., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Patrizi F. , Int. Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems, Heidelberg, p.467–478, (2005)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Token Generation, Farinelli, Alessandro, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Patrizi Fabio , Int. Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems, Heidelberg, p.467–478, (2005)
A Bayesian framework for optimal motion planning with uncertainty, Censi, A., Calisi D., De Luca A., and Oriolo G. , Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), may, p.1798–1805, (2008)
Use of Geo-referenced Images with Unmanned Aerial Systems, Conte, G., Rudol P., Wzorek M., Petitti P., Iocchi L., and Doherty P. , Proceedings of Workshop on Mini and Micro UAV for Security and Surveillance (CD-ROM Proceedings), p.444–454, (2008)
Benchmarks for Robotic Soccer Vision, Dodds, Ricardo, Iocchi L., Guerrero Pablo, and Ruiz-del-Solar Javier , RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV, Volume 7416, p.427-439, (2012)
Benchmarks for Robotic Soccer Vision, Dodds, Ricardo, Iocchi L., Guerrero Pablo, and Ruiz-del-Solar Javier , RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV, Volume 7416, p.427-439, (2012)
Design choices for modular and flexible robotic software development: the OpenRDK viewpoint, Calisi, D., Censi A., Iocchi L., and D. Nardi , Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), March, Volume 3, Number 1, p.13–27, (2012)
Domestic Service Robots in the Real World, Iocchi, L., Ruiz-del-Solar Javier, and der Zant Tijn var , Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 66, p.183-186, (2012)
HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Castellucci Giuseppe, Croce Danilo, Iocchi Luca, Basili Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), may, Reykjavik, Iceland, (2014)
Non-Parametric Calibration for Depth Sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems. (IAS 13), (2014)
The RoCKIn@Home Challenge, Schneider, Sven, Hegger Frederik, Ahmad Aamir, Awaad Iman, Amigoni Francesco, Berghofer Jakob, Bischoff Rainer, Bonarini Andrea, Dwiputra Rhama, Fontana Giulio, et al. , ISR/Robotik 2014; 41st International Symposium on Robotics; Proceedings of, p.1-7, (2014)
The RoCKIn@Work Challenge, Dwiputra, Rhama, Berghofer Jakob, Ahmad Aamir, Awaad Iman, Amigoni Francesco, Bischoff Rainer, Bonarini Andrea, Fontana Giulio, Hegger Frederik, Hochgeschwender Nico, et al. , ISR/Robotik 2014; 41st International Symposium on Robotics; Proceedings of, p.1-6, (2014)
A User Perspective on the ROVINA Project, Ziparo, Vittorio Amos, Calisi Daniele, Grisetti Giorgio, Serafin Jacopo, Prosmans Marc, Van Gool Luc, Leibe Bastian, Di Stefano Maurizio, Petti Luigi, Burgard Wolfram, et al. , Proc. of the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium ``Heritage and Landscape as Human Values'', Florence, Italy, p.578–582, (2014)
Authorship Semantical Identification using Holomorphic Chebyshev Projectors, Napoli, C, Tramontana E, G Sciuto Lo, Wozniak M, Damaševičius R, and Borowik G , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.232-237, (2015)
Authorship Semantical Identification using Holomorphic Chebyshev Projectors, Napoli, C, Tramontana E, G Sciuto Lo, Wozniak M, Damaševičius R, and Borowik G , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.232-237, (2015)
Is the Colony of Ants Able to Recognize Graphic Objects?, Polap, D, Wozniak M, Napoli C, Tramontana E, and Damaševičius R , Volume {538}, Number {False}, p.376-387, (2015)
Non-Parametric Calibration for Depth Sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 74, p.309–317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl Johann, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Lincoln, United Kingdom, p.1–6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
A Proposal for Semantic Map Representation and Evaluation, Capobianco, Roberto, Serafin Jacopo, Dichtl J, Grisetti Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
