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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
IMF remixing for mode demixing in EMD and application for jitter analysis, Damaševičius, R, Napoli Christian, Sidekerskiene T, and Wozniak M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.50-55, (2016)
IMF remixing for mode demixing in EMD and application for jitter analysis, Damaševičius, R, Napoli Christian, Sidekerskiene T, and Wozniak M. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.50-55, (2016)
Imitation Learning over Heterogeneous Agents with Restraining Bolts, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi Luca, Favorito Marco, and Patrizi Fabio , Volume {30}, Number {False}, p.517-521, (2020)
The impact of parallel programming on faster image filtering, Ksiazek, Kamil, Marszałek Zbigniew, Capizzi Giacomo, Napoli Christian, Połapl Dawid, and Wozniak Marcin , Volume {15}, Number {False}, p.545-550, (2018)
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Clinical Pathways for Non-SARS-CoV-2 Related Diseases in the Lazio Region, Italy, Piane, M., Bianco L., Mancini R., Fornelli P., Gabriele A., Medici F., Battista C., Greco S., Croce G., Franceschetti L., et al. , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume {19}, Number {2}, p.635-False, (2022)
IMPATTO DELLA PANDEMIA COVID-19 SULLA PRODUZIONE OSPEDALIERA DI RIFIUTI A RISCHIO INFETTIVO, Montesano, M., Stella F., Donato M. A., Forestiero F. M., Lombardo P., Mondera F., Bianco L., Bertamino E., Napoli C., and Orsi G. B. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Improved Learning of Dynamics Models for Control, Venkatraman, Arun, Capobianco Roberto, Pinto Lerrel, Hebert Martial, Nardi Daniele, and Bagnell James , Volume {1}, Number {False}, p.703-713, (2017)
Improved Techniques for Grid Mapping With Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters, Grisetti, G., Stachniss C., and Burgard W. , IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Feb., Volume 23, Number 1, p.34–46, (2007)
Improving Sample Efficiency in Behavior Learning by Using Sub-optimal Planners for Robots, Antonioni, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, and Riccio Francesco , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Improving Sample Efficiency in Behavior Learning by Using Sub-optimal Planners for Robots, Antonioni, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, and Riccio Francesco , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Improving Sample Efficiency in Behavior Learning by Using Sub-optimal Planners for Robots, Antonioni, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, and Riccio Francesco , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Improving Sample Efficiency in Behavior Learning by Using Sub-optimal Planners for Robots, Antonioni, Emanuele, Nardi Daniele, and Riccio Francesco , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Improving Search and Rescue Using Contextual Information, Calisi, Daniele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Randelli Gabriele, and Ziparo Vittorio A. , Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Number 9, p.1199–1216, (2009)
Improving Search and Rescue Using Contextual Information, Calisi, D., Iocchi L., Nardi D., Randelli Gabriele, and Ziparo V. A. , Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Number 9, p.1199–1216, (2009)
Improving Students’ Concepts About Newtonian Mechanics Using Mobile Robots, Ferrarelli, Paola, Villa Wilson, Attolini Margherita, Cesareni Donatella, Micale Federica, Sansone Nadia, Pantaleone Luis Claudio, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {829}, Number {False}, p.113-124, (2019)
Incrementally learning semantic attributes through dialogue interaction, Vanzo, Andrea, Part Jose L., Yu Yanchao, Nardi Daniele, and Lemon Oliver , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.865-873, (2018)
Incrementally learning semantic attributes through dialogue interaction, Vanzo, Andrea, Part Jose L., Yu Yanchao, Nardi Daniele, and Lemon Oliver , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.865-873, (2018)
An Integrated Control Plan in Primary Schools: Results of a Field Investigation on Nutritional and Hygienic Features in the Apulia Region (Southern Italy), Marcotrigiano, Vincenzo, Stingi Giacomo Domenico, Fregnan Simona, Magarelli Pantaleo, Pasquale Pietro, Russo Samuele, Orsi Giovanni Battista, Montagna Maria Teresa, Napoli Christian, and Napoli Christian , NUTRIENTS, Volume {13}, Number {9}, p.1-14, (2021)
Integrated Visual Information for Maritime Surveillance, Bloisi, Domenico Daniele, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Fiorini Michele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.237-263, (2015)
Interactive semantic mapping: Experimental evaluation, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Capobianco Roberto, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {109}, Number {False}, p.339-355, (2016)
Interactive semantic mapping: Experimental evaluation, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Capobianco Roberto, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {109}, Number {False}, p.339-355, (2016)
Interactive semantic mapping: Experimental evaluation, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Capobianco Roberto, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {109}, Number {False}, p.339-355, (2016)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
International Conference for Young Researchers in Informatics, Mathematics and Engineering, Damasevicius, R., Napoli C, Tramontana E, and Wozniak M , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2016)
International Conference for Young Researchers in Informatics, Mathematics and Engineering, Damasevicius, R., Napoli C, Tramontana E, and Wozniak M , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2016)
Investigating User Perceptions of HRI in Social Contexts, Wang, L., Marrella A., and Nardi D. , Volume {2019}, Number {False}, p.544-545, (2019)
IVUS International Conference on Information Technology, Napoli, Christian , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2017)
J-MOD2: Joint Monocular Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation, Mancini, Michele, Costante Gabriele, Valigi Paolo, and Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {3}, p.1490-1497, (2018)
J-MOD2: Joint Monocular Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation, Mancini, Michele, Costante Gabriele, Valigi Paolo, and Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {3}, p.1490-1497, (2018)
J-MOD2: Joint Monocular Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation, Mancini, Michele, Costante Gabriele, Valigi Paolo, and Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {3}, p.1490-1497, (2018)
J-MOD2: Joint Monocular Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation, Mancini, Michele, Costante Gabriele, Valigi Paolo, and Ciarfuglia Thomas Alessandro , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {3}, p.1490-1497, (2018)
Joint Vision-Based Navigation, Control and Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs in Dynamic Environments, Potena, Ciro, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-7, (2019)
Joint Vision-Based Navigation, Control and Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs in Dynamic Environments, Potena, Ciro, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-7, (2019)
Joint Vision-Based Navigation, Control and Obstacle Avoidance for UAVs in Dynamic Environments, Potena, Ciro, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-7, (2019)
Knowledge Acquisition and Completion for Long-Term Human-Robot Interactions Using Knowledge Graph Embedding, Bartoli, Ermanno, Argenziano Francesco, Suriani Vincenzo, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.241-253, (2023)
Knowledge Acquisition and Completion for Long-Term Human-Robot Interactions Using Knowledge Graph Embedding, Bartoli, Ermanno, Argenziano Francesco, Suriani Vincenzo, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.241-253, (2023)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction, Randelli, Gabriele, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction, Randelli, Gabriele, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction, Randelli, Gabriele, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge, experiences, and attitudes toward Mantoux test among medical and health professional students in Italy. a cross-sectional study, Montagna, M T., Mascipinto S, Pousis C, Bianchi F P., Caggiano G, Carpagnano L F., De Giglio O, Barbuti G, Auxilia F, Destrebecq A, et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5 Supple 2}, p.86-98, (2018)
Knowledge Representation for Robots through Human-Robot Interaction, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Bloisi Domenico, Capobianco Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.7351, (2013)
Knowledge Representation for Robots through Human-Robot Interaction, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Capobianco Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Workshop on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics at the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.7351, (2013)
Lab2Go: a project for supporting laboratory practice in teaching STEM disciplines in high school, Andretti, Mirco, Astone Pia, Campana Donatella, Casaburo Fausto, Cartoni Antonella, Cavanna Francesca, Cibinetto Gianluigi, Cort Antonella Dalla, De Bonis Giulia, Seta Marta Dalla, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Language-based sensing descriptors for robot object grounding, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {9513}, Number {False}, p.3-15, (2015)
Language-based sensing descriptors for robot object grounding, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Veloso Manuela, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {9513}, Number {False}, p.3-15, (2015)
Large Scale Graph-based SLAM using Aerial Images as Prior Information, Kuemmerle, R., Steder B., Dornhege C., Kleiner A., Grisetti G., and Burgard W. , Journal of Autonomous Robots, Volume 30, Number 1, p.25–39, (2011)
Learning from the Crowd: Improving the Decision Making Process in Robot Soccer using the Audience Noise, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Solimando Filippo, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Learning from the Crowd: Improving the Decision Making Process in Robot Soccer using the Audience Noise, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Solimando Filippo, Nardi Daniele, and Bloisi Domenico D. , (2022)
Learning human-robot handovers through π-STAM: Policy improvement with spatio-temporal affordance maps, Riccio, Francesco, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.857-863, (2016)
Learning human-robot handovers through π-STAM: Policy improvement with spatio-temporal affordance maps, Riccio, Francesco, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.857-863, (2016)
