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Journal Article
mHealth, nuove frontiere assistenziali in chirurgia ortopedica., Dionisi, S, Liquori G, Giannetta N., Di Simone E., De Leo A., Napoli C., Orsi G. B., and Di Muzio M. , ORTOPEDICI E SANITARI, Volume {8}, Number {False}, p.48-51, (2022)
Modelling and simulation of a quadrotor in V-tail configuration, Bellocchio, Enrico, A. Thomas Ciarfuglia, Crocetti Francesco, Ficola Antonio, and Valigi Paolo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, Volume {26}, Number {2}, p.158-170, (2016)
Modelling and simulation of a quadrotor in V-tail configuration, Bellocchio, Enrico, A. Thomas Ciarfuglia, Crocetti Francesco, Ficola Antonio, and Valigi Paolo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, Volume {26}, Number {2}, p.158-170, (2016)
Modelling and simulation of a quadrotor in V-tail configuration, Bellocchio, Enrico, A. Thomas Ciarfuglia, Crocetti Francesco, Ficola Antonio, and Valigi Paolo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, Volume {26}, Number {2}, p.158-170, (2016)
Modelling and simulation of a quadrotor in V-tail configuration, Bellocchio, Enrico, A. Thomas Ciarfuglia, Crocetti Francesco, Ficola Antonio, and Valigi Paolo , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL, Volume {26}, Number {2}, p.158-170, (2016)
Monitoring and Mapping of Crop Fields with UAV Swarms Based on Information Gain, Carbone, Carlos, Albani Dario, Magistri Federico, Ognibene Dimitri, Stachniss Cyrill, Kootstra Gert, Nardi Daniele, and Trianni Vito , Volume {22}, Number {False}, p.306-319, (2022)
A Moon Optical Navigation Robotic Facility on Simulated TERrain: MONSTER, Latorre, Francesco, Carbone Andrea, SASIDHARAN Sarathchandrakumar T. H. O. T. T. U. C. H. I. R., Ciabatti Giulia, Spiller Dario, Curti Fabio, and Capobianco Roberto , THE JOURNAL OF THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2022)
Multi Robot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination, Farinelli, A., Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics, part B, October, Volume 34, Number 5, p.2015–2028, (2004)
Multi Robot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination, Farinelli, Alessandro, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics, part B, October, Volume 34, Number 5, p.2015–2028, (2004)
Multiagent epidemiologic inference through realtime contact tracing, Sharon, G., Ault J., Stone P., Kompella V., and Capobianco R. , Volume {2}, Number {False}, p.1170-1178, (2021)
Multiagent epidemiologic inference through realtime contact tracing, Sharon, G., Ault J., Stone P., Kompella V., and Capobianco R. , Volume {2}, Number {False}, p.1170-1178, (2021)
Multi-class Nearest Neighbour Classifier for Incomplete Data Handling, Nowak, B, Nowicki R, Napoli C, and Wozniak M , Volume {9119}, Number {False}, p.469-480, (2015)
Multi-class Nearest Neighbour Classifier for Incomplete Data Handling, Nowak, B, Nowicki R, Napoli C, and Wozniak M , Volume {9119}, Number {False}, p.469-480, (2015)
Multilayer Plasmonic Nanostructures for Improved Sensing Activities Using a FEM and Neurocomputing-Based Approach, G. Sciuto, Lo, Napoli C., Kowol P., Capizzi G., Brociek R., Wajda A., and Slota D. , SENSORS, Volume {22}, Number {19}, p.False-False, (2022)
Multilayer Plasmonic Nanostructures for Improved Sensing Activities Using a FEM and Neurocomputing-Based Approach, G. Sciuto, Lo, Napoli C., Kowol P., Capizzi G., Brociek R., Wajda A., and Slota D. , SENSORS, Volume {22}, Number {19}, p.False-False, (2022)
Multi-modal Background Model Initialization, Bloisi, Domenico Daniele, Grillo Alfonso, Pennisi Andrea, Iocchi Luca, and Passaretti Claudio , Volume {9281}, Number {False}, p.485-492, (2015)
Multi-objective Exploration and Search for Autonomous Rescue Robots, Calisi, D., Farinelli A., Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue on Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Robotic and Intelligent Systems, August - September, Volume 24, p.763–777, (2007)
Multi-objective Exploration and Search for Autonomous Rescue Robots, Calisi, Danieel, Farinelli Alessandro, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue on Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Robotic and Intelligent Systems, August - September, Volume 24, p.763–777, (2007)
Multi-omic approach identifies a transcriptional network coupling innate immune response to proliferation in the blood of COVID-19 cancer patients, Sacconi, A., De Vitis C., de Latouliere L., di Martino S., De Nicola F., Goeman F., Mottini C., Paolini F., D'Ascanio M., Ricci A., et al. , CELL DEATH & DISEASE, Volume {12}, Number {11}, p.1-14, (2021)
Multi-robot and multi-camera patrolling, King, Christopher, M Espina Valera, Grech Raphael, Mullen Robert, Remagnino Paolo, Iocchi L., Marchetti L., Nardi D., Monekosso D., and Nicolescu Mircea , Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance, p.255-286, (2012)
Multi-Robot Perception and Action: World Modeling and Task Allocation, Riccio, Francesco, GRANON MARIA T. E. R. E. S. A. L. A. Z., Gemignani Guglielmo, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2015)
Multi-robot search for a moving target: Integrating world modeling, task assignment and context, Riccio, Francesco, Borzi Emanuele, Gemignani Guglielmo, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1879-1886, (2016)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network, Pennisi, Andrea, Previtali Fabio, Gennari Cristiano, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Iocchi Luca, Ficarola Francesco, Vitaletti Andrea, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network, Pennisi, Andrea, Previtali Fabio, Gennari Cristiano, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Iocchi Luca, Ficarola Francesco, Vitaletti Andrea, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network, Pennisi, Andrea, Previtali Fabio, Gennari Cristiano, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, Iocchi Luca, Ficarola Francesco, Vitaletti Andrea, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot task acquisition through sparse coordination, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2823-2828, (2015)
Multi-robot task acquisition through sparse coordination, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2823-2828, (2015)
Multi-robot task acquisition through sparse coordination, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2823-2828, (2015)
Multi-robot task acquisition through sparse coordination, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Klee Steven D., Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.2823-2828, (2015)
A multiscale image compressor with RBFNN and Discrete Wavelet decomposition, Wozniak, M, Napoli C, Tramontana E, Capizzi G, G Sciuto Lo, Nowicki R K., and Starczewski J T. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2015)
Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {146}, Number {False}, p.103861-False, (2021)
Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, M., Potena C., Pretto A., Bloisi D. D., and Nardi D. , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {146}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2021)
Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.05750, (2020)
Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {146}, Number {False}, p.103861-False, (2021)
Multi-Spectral Image Synthesis for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena Ciro, Pretto Alberto, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {146}, Number {False}, p.103861-False, (2021)
A Multithread Nested Neural Network Architecture to Model Surface Plasmon Polaritons Propagation, Capizzi, G, G Sciuto Lo, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , MICROMACHINES, Volume {7}, Number {7}, p.1-12, (2016)
A nationwide survey of psychological distress among italian people during the covid-19 pandemic: Immediate psychological responses and associated factors, Mazza, C., Ricci E., Biondi S., Colasanti M., Ferracuti S., Napoli C., and Roma P. , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume {17}, Number {9}, p.False-False, (2020)
A New Iterative FIR Filter Design Approach using a Gaussian Approximation, Capizzi, Giacomo, Coco Salvatore, Sciuto Grazia Lo, and Napoli Christian , IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS, Volume {25}, Number {11}, p.1615-1619, (2018)
NICP: Dense normal based point cloud registration, Serafin, Jacopo, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {1}, Number {False}, p.742-749, (2015)
NICP: Dense normal based point cloud registration, Serafin, Jacopo, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {1}, Number {False}, p.742-749, (2015)
No evidence of sars-cov-2 circulation in rome (Italy) during the pre-pandemic period: Results of a retrospective surveillance, Capalbo, C., Bertamino E., Zerbetto A., Santino I., Petrucca A., Mancini R., Bonfini R., Alfonsi V., Ferracuti S., Marchetti P., et al. , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Volume {17}, Number {22}, p.1-8, (2020)
Non-linear model predictive control with adaptive time-mesh refinement, Potena, Ciro, Corte Bartolomeo Della, Nardi Daniele, Grisetti Giorgio, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.74-80, (2018)
Non-linear model predictive control with adaptive time-mesh refinement, Potena, Ciro, Corte Bartolomeo Della, Nardi Daniele, Grisetti Giorgio, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.74-80, (2018)
Non-linear model predictive control with adaptive time-mesh refinement, Potena, Ciro, Corte Bartolomeo Della, Nardi Daniele, Grisetti Giorgio, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.74-80, (2018)
Nonparametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {302}, Number {False}, p.923-935, (2016)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
Non-parametric calibration for depth sensors, Di Cicco, Maurilio, Iocchi Luca, and Grisetti Giorgio , ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {74}, Number {False}, p.309-317, (2015)
