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Therapeutic educational robot enhancing social interactions in the management of obesity,
, FRONTIERS IN ROBOTICS AND AI, Volume {9}, Number {False}, p.895039-False, (2022)
Therapeutic educational robot enhancing social interactions in the management of obesity,
, FRONTIERS IN ROBOTICS AND AI, Volume {9}, Number {False}, p.895039-False, (2022)
Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier with Smooth Type-Reduction,
, Volume {13588}, Number {False}, p.193-202, (2022)
Tune It or Don't Use It: Benchmarking Data-Efficient Image Classification,
, Volume {2021-}, Number {False}, p.1071-1080, (2021)
Temporal Logic Monitoring Rewards via Transducers,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.860-870, (2020)
Towards Abstract Relational Learning in Human Robot Interaction,
, arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.10364, (2020)
Triangular Fuzzy-Rough Set Based Fuzzification of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems,
Task-oriented conversational agent self-learning based on sentiment analysis,
, Volume {2244}, Number {False}, p.4-15, (2018)
Towards monocular digital elevation model (DEM) estimation by convolutional neural networks - Application on synthetic aperture radar images,
, Volume {2018-}, Number {False}, p.1175-1180, (2018)
Toward Domain Independence for Learning-Based Monocular Depth Estimation,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {2}, Number {3}, p.1778-1785, (2017)
On task recognition and generalization in long-term robot teaching,
, Volume {3}, Number {False}, p.1879-1880, (2015)
Task Recognition and Generalization in Long-Term Robot Teaching,
, Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS 2015), p.1879–1880, (2015)
On Task Recognition and Generalization in Long-Term Robot Teaching,
, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, p.1879–1880, (2015)
Teaching robots parametrized executable plans through spoken interaction,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.851-859, (2015)
Teaching Robots Parametrized Executable Plans Through Spoken Interaction,
, Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, p.851–859, (2015)
Toward 2D Image Classifier Based on Firefly Algorithm with Simplified Sobel Filter,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.185-189, (2015)
Toward work groups classification based on probabilistic neural network approach,
, Volume {9119}, Number {False}, p.79-89, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach,
, ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach,
, ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach,
, ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS, Volume {65}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2015)
Tangible interfaces for robot teleoperation,
, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction, New York, NY, USA, p.231–232, (2011)
Towards Palm-Size Autonomous Helicopters,
, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 61, p.445-471, (2011)
A Tutorial on Graph-Based SLAM,
, Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, IEEE, Volume 2, Number 4, p.31–43, (2010)
Teamwork Design Based on Petri Net Plans,
, Proceedings of the RoboCup Symposium 2008 (CD-ROM Proceedings), Suzhou,China, (2008)
Teamwork Design Based on Petri Net Plans,
, Proceedings of the RoboCup Symposium 2008 (CD-ROM Proceedings), Suzhou,China, (2008)
Team Programming in Golog under Partial Observability,
, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-07), Hyderabad, India, p.2097–2102, (2007)
Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and Performance Metrics from RoboCup Rescue,
, Journal of Field Robotics, November, Volume 24, Number 11-12, p.943–967, (2007)
Towards heterogeneous robot teams for disaster mitigation: Results and Performance Metrics from RoboCup Rescue,
, Journal of Field Robotics, November, Volume 24, Number 11-12, p.943–967, (2007)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Perception and Constrained Tasks in a Multi-Robot System,
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Barcelona, Spain, p.1535–1540, (2005)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Perception and Constrained Tasks in a Multi-Robot System,
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Barcelona, Spain, p.1535–1540, (2005)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Token Generation,
, Int. Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems, Heidelberg, p.467–478, (2005)
Task Assignment with Dynamic Token Generation,
, Int. Workshop on Monitoring, Security, and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems, Heidelberg, p.467–478, (2005)
Token Approach for Role Allocation in Extreme Teams: analysis and experimental evaluation,
, 13th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2004)., Los Alamitos California (USA), p.397–402, (2004)
Token Approach for Role Allocation in Extreme Teams: analysis and experimental evaluation,
, 13th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2004)., Los Alamitos California (USA), p.397–402, (2004)
Towards Ambient Intelligence for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, Ambient Intelligence: A Novel Paradigm, (2004)
Towards Ambient Intelligence for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, Ambient Intelligence: A Novel Paradigm, (2004)
A Theory and Implementation of Cognitive Mobile Robots,
, Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 5, Number 9, p.759–785, (1999)