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Game Strategies for Physical Robot Soccer Players: A Survey, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE Transactions on Games, (2021)
Game Strategies for Physical Robot Soccer Players: A Survey, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GAMES, Volume {13}, Number {4}, p.342-357, (2021)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
Gene signature and immune cell profiling by high-dimensional, single-cell analysis in COVID-19 patients, presenting Low T3 syndrome and coexistent hematological malignancies, Sciacchitano, S., De Vitis C., D'Ascanio M., Giovagnoli S., De Dominicis C., Laghi A., Anibaldi P., Petrucca A., Salerno G., Santino I., et al. , JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, Volume {19}, Number {1}, p.139-False, (2021)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
A Generalization of the ICP Algorithm for Articulated Bodies, Pellegrini, Stefano, Schindler Konrad, and Nardi D. , British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC'08), September, (2008)
Generation and execution of partially correct plans in dynamic environments, Farinelli, A., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Rosati R. , (2002)
Generation of Laser-Quality 2D Navigation Maps from RGB-D Sensors, Nardi, F., La¡zaro M. T., Iocchi L., and Grisetti G. , Volume {11374}, Number {False}, p.238-250, (2019)
Generation of Strong Cyclic Plans with Incomplete Information and Sensing, Iocchi, L., Nardi D., and Rosati R. , Proceedings of Workshop on Planning and Scheduling at the Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ({AI*IA}), Perugia, Italy, (2004)
Generation of Strong Cyclic Plans with Incomplete Information and Sensing, Iocchi, Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Rosati Riccardo , Proceedings of Workshop on Planning and Scheduling at the Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence ({AI*IA}), Perugia, Italy, (2004)
Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction Through Virtual Characters, Sabbella, S. R., Kaszuba S., Leotta F., and Nardi D. , Volume {14454}, Number {False}, p.160-170, (2023)
Give me the control, I can see the robot!, Valero, A., Randelli Gabriele, Saracini C., Botta F., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the IEEE International. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2009), p.1–6, (2009)
Give me the control, I can see the robot!, Valero, A., Randelli G., Saracini C., Botta F., and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of the IEEE International. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2009), p.1–6, (2009)
Global Hough Localization for Mobile Robots in Polygonal Environments, Grisetti, G., Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'2002), (2002)
Global Hough Localization for Mobile Robots in Polygonal Environments, Grisetti, Giorgio, Iocchi Luca, and Nardi Daniele , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'2002), (2002)
Goal Oriented Extensive Games, Ziparo, V. A. , (2006)
Goal Oriented Extensive Games, Ziparo, V. A. , (2006)
Graph-Based Task Libraries for Robots: Generalization and Autocompletion, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , 14th Italian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p.397-409, (2015)
Graph-based task libraries for robots: generalization and autocompletion, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.397-409, (2015)
Graphic object feature extraction system based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Volume {66}, Number {False}, p.20-31, (2016)
Graphic object feature extraction system based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Volume {66}, Number {False}, p.20-31, (2016)
Ground Traffic Surveillance System for Air Traffic Control, Bloisi, Domenico, Iocchi L., Nardi D., Fiorini M., and Graziano G. , Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), November, Taipei, Taiwan, p.160-164, (2012)
Ground Traffic Surveillance System for Air Traffic Control, Bloisi, D., Iocchi L., Nardi Daniele, Fiorini M., and Graziano G. , Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), November, Taipei, Taiwan, p.160-164, (2012)
Ground Truth Acquisition of Humanoid Soccer Robot Behaviour, Pennisi, Andrea, Bloisi Domenico, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 17th Annual Robocup International Symposium, p.1–8, (2013)
Grounded language interpretation of robotic commands through structured learning, Vanzo, A., Croce D., Bastianelli E., Basili R., and Nardi D. , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {278}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Grounding LTLf Specifications in Image Sequences, Umili, Elena, Capobianco Roberto, and De Giacomo Giuseppe , Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2023)
Grounding LTLf specifications in images, Umili, Elena, Capobianco Roberto, and De Giacomo Giuseppe , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.45-63, (2022)
Grounding natural language instructions in industrial robotics, Evangelista, Daniele, Villa Wilson Umberto, Imperoli Marco, Vanzo Andrea, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2017)
Grouping Handwritten Letter Strokes Using a Fuzzy Decision Tree, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., and Napoli C. , Volume {12416}, Number {False}, p.103-113, (2020)
GUESs: Generative modeling of Unknown Environments and Spatial Abstraction for Robots, Riccio, Francesco, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1978-1980, (2020)
Handling Constrained Optimization in Factor Graphs for Autonomous Navigation, Bazzana, Barbara, Guadagnino Tiziano, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {8}, Number {1}, p.432-439, (2023)
Handling Constrained Optimization in Factor Graphs for Autonomous Navigation, Bazzana, Barbara, Guadagnino Tiziano, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {8}, Number {1}, p.432-439, (2023)
Handwriting recognition with extraction of letter fragments, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., and Napoli C , Volume {10246}, Number {False}, p.183-192, (2017)
Handwritten word recognition using fuzzy matching degrees, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., Fijalkowska J., Siwocha A., and Napoli C. , JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING RESEARCH, Volume {11}, Number {3}, p.229-242, (2021)
HBST: A hamming distance embedding binary search tree for feature-based visual place recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 3, Number 4, p.3741–3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
Heterogeneous Feature State Estimation with Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters, Tipaldi, Gian Diego, Farinelli A., Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), p.3850–3855, (2007)
Hierarchical convolutional models for automatic pneumonia diagnosis based on X-ray images: new strategies in public health, Maselli, Gianluca, Bertamino Enrico, Capalbo Carlo, Mancini Rita, Orsi Giovanni Battista, Napoli Christian, and Napoli Christian , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {33}, Number {6}, p.644-655, (2021)
Hierarchical convolutional models for automatic pneumonia diagnosis based on X-ray images: new strategies in public health, Maselli, Gianluca, Bertamino Enrico, Capalbo Carlo, Mancini Rita, Orsi Giovanni Battista, Napoli Christian, and Napoli Christian , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {33}, Number {6}, p.644-655, (2021)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
