
Export 1278 results:
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Journal Article
Hierarchical task assignment and path finding with limited communication for robot swarms, Albani, D., Honig W., Nardi D., Ayanian N., and Trianni V. , APPLIED SCIENCES, Volume {11}, Number {7}, p.False-False, (2021)
Hierarchical Task Assignment and Path Finding with Limited Communication for Robot Swarms, Albani, Dario, Hönig Wolfgang, Nardi Daniele, Ayanian Nora, and Trianni Vito , Applied Sciences, Volume 11, Number 7, p.3115, (2021)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
A Hierarchical Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence, Crowley, James L., Coutaz Joelle, Grosinger Jasmin, Vazquez-Salceda Javier, Angulo Cecilio, Sanfeliu Alberto, Iocchi Luca, and Cohn Anthony G. , IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-10, (2022)
Hierarchical convolutional models for automatic pneumonia diagnosis based on X-ray images: new strategies in public health, Maselli, Gianluca, Bertamino Enrico, Capalbo Carlo, Mancini Rita, Orsi Giovanni Battista, Napoli Christian, and Napoli Christian , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {33}, Number {6}, p.644-655, (2021)
Hierarchical convolutional models for automatic pneumonia diagnosis based on X-ray images: new strategies in public health, Maselli, Gianluca, Bertamino Enrico, Capalbo Carlo, Mancini Rita, Orsi Giovanni Battista, Napoli Christian, and Napoli Christian , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {33}, Number {6}, p.644-655, (2021)
HBST: A hamming distance embedding binary search tree for feature-based visual place recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 3, Number 4, p.3741–3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
HBST: A Hamming Distance Embedding Binary Search Tree for Feature-Based Visual Place Recognition, Schlegel, Dominik, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {4}, p.3741-3748, (2018)
Handwritten word recognition using fuzzy matching degrees, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., Fijalkowska J., Siwocha A., and Napoli C. , JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING RESEARCH, Volume {11}, Number {3}, p.229-242, (2021)
Handwriting recognition with extraction of letter fragments, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., and Napoli C , Volume {10246}, Number {False}, p.183-192, (2017)
Handling Constrained Optimization in Factor Graphs for Autonomous Navigation, Bazzana, Barbara, Guadagnino Tiziano, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {8}, Number {1}, p.432-439, (2023)
Handling Constrained Optimization in Factor Graphs for Autonomous Navigation, Bazzana, Barbara, Guadagnino Tiziano, and Grisetti Giorgio , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {8}, Number {1}, p.432-439, (2023)
GUESs: Generative modeling of Unknown Environments and Spatial Abstraction for Robots, Riccio, Francesco, Capobianco Roberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1978-1980, (2020)
Grouping Handwritten Letter Strokes Using a Fuzzy Decision Tree, Wrobel, M., Starczewski J. T., and Napoli C. , Volume {12416}, Number {False}, p.103-113, (2020)
Grounding natural language instructions in industrial robotics, Evangelista, Daniele, Villa Wilson Umberto, Imperoli Marco, Vanzo Andrea, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2017)
Grounding LTLf specifications in images, Umili, Elena, Capobianco Roberto, and De Giacomo Giuseppe , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.45-63, (2022)
Grounding LTLf Specifications in Image Sequences, Umili, Elena, Capobianco Roberto, and De Giacomo Giuseppe , Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2023)
Grounded language interpretation of robotic commands through structured learning, Vanzo, A., Croce D., Bastianelli E., Basili R., and Nardi D. , ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume {278}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Graphic object feature extraction system based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Volume {66}, Number {False}, p.20-31, (2016)
Graphic object feature extraction system based on Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Napoli C, and Tramontana E , EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Volume {66}, Number {False}, p.20-31, (2016)
Graph-based task libraries for robots: generalization and autocompletion, Klee, Steven D., Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi Daniele, and Veloso Manuela , Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.397-409, (2015)
Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction Through Virtual Characters, Sabbella, S. R., Kaszuba S., Leotta F., and Nardi D. , Volume {14454}, Number {False}, p.160-170, (2023)
Generation of Laser-Quality 2D Navigation Maps from RGB-D Sensors, Nardi, F., La¡zaro M. T., Iocchi L., and Grisetti G. , Volume {11374}, Number {False}, p.238-250, (2019)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
A General Framework for Flexible Multi-Cue Photometric Point Cloud Registration, Corte, Bartolomeo Della, Bogoslavskyi Igor, Stachniss Cyrill, and Grisetti Giorgio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.4969-4976, (2018)
Gene signature and immune cell profiling by high-dimensional, single-cell analysis in COVID-19 patients, presenting Low T3 syndrome and coexistent hematological malignancies, Sciacchitano, S., De Vitis C., D'Ascanio M., Giovagnoli S., De Dominicis C., Laghi A., Anibaldi P., Petrucca A., Salerno G., Santino I., et al. , JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, Volume {19}, Number {1}, p.139-False, (2021)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
A GAN Approach for Anomaly Detection in Spacecraft Telemetries, Ciancarelli, C., De Magistris G., Cognetta S., Appetito D., Napoli C., and Nardi D. , Volume {531}, Number {False}, p.393-402, (2023)
Game Strategies for Physical Robot Soccer Players: A Survey, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GAMES, Volume {13}, Number {4}, p.342-357, (2021)
Game Strategies for Physical Robot Soccer Players: A Survey, Antonioni, Emanuele, Suriani Vincenzo, Riccio Francesco, and Nardi Daniele , IEEE Transactions on Games, (2021)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
A Fully Autonomous Indoor Quadrotor, Grzonka, S., Grisetti G., and Burgard W. , Robotics, IEEE Transactions on, feb., Volume 28, Number 1, p.90-100, (2012)
Full-GRU Natural Language Video Description for Service Robotics Applications, Cascianelli, Silvia, Costante Gabriele, Ciarfuglia Thomas A., Valigi Paolo, and Fravolini Mario L. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {2}, p.841-848, (2018)
A framework for dynamic context exploitation, Snidaro, Lauro, Vaci Lubos, García Jesús, Marty Enrique D., Jousselme Anne Laure, Bryan Karna, Bloisi Domenico Daniele, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1160-1167, (2015)
FPGA Implementation of a Parallel DDS for Wide-Band Applications, De Magistris, G., Rametta C., Capizzi G., and Napoli C. , Volume {3092}, Number {False}, p.12-16, (2021)
FPGA Implementation of a BPSK Modulator with Frequency Hopping, Beritelli, F., Capizzi G., Rametta C., and Napoli C. , Volume {3118}, Number {False}, p.40-44, (2021)
Foundations for Restraining Bolts: Reinforcement Learning with LTLf/LDLf Restraining Specifications, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi Luca, Favorito Marco, and Patrizi Fabio , Volume {29}, Number {False}, p.128-136, (2019)
A formalization of multi-agent planning with explicit agent representation, Trapasso, Alessandro, Santilli Sofia, Iocchi Luca, and Patrizi Fabio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.816-823, (2023)
Food labelling. Regulations and Public Health implications, Marcotrigiano, V, Lanzilotti C, Rondinone D, De Giglio O, Caggiano G, Diella G, Orsi G B., Montagna M T., and Napoli C , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {3}, p.220-228, (2018)
A First Attempt to Cloud-Based User Verification in Distributed System, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Borowik G, and Napoli C , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.226-231, (2015)
A First Attempt to Cloud-Based User Verification in Distributed System, Wozniak, M, Polap D, Borowik G, and Napoli C , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.226-231, (2015)
On Field Gesture-Based Robot-to-Robot Communication with NAO Soccer Players, Di Giambattista, V., Fawakherji M., Suriani V., Bloisi D. D., and Nardi D. , Volume {11531}, Number {False}, p.367-375, (2019)
Field coverage for weed mapping: Toward experiments with a UAV swarm, Albani, D., Manoni T., Arik A., Nardi D., and Trianni V. , Volume {289}, Number {False}, p.132-146, (2019)
