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Automatic Extraction of Structural Representations of Environmentss, Capobianco, Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Bloisi Domenico, Nardi D., and Iocchi L. , Proceedings of the 13th Intelligent Autonomous System conference, (2014)
Interactive Semantic Mapping: Experimental Evaluation, Gemignani, Guglielmo, Nardi D., Capobianco Roberto, Bloisi Domenico, and Iocchi L. , nternational Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER 2014), (2014)
Knowledge-Based Reasoning on Semantic Maps, Capobianco, Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Nardi D., Bloisi Domenico, and Iocchi L. , Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Robotics, AAAI Spring Symposium 2014, (2014)
Development of intelligent service robots, Iocchi, L., Menegatti Emanuele, Bonarini Andrea, Matteucci Matteo, Pagello Enrico, Aiello Luigia Carlucci, Nardi D., Mastrogiovanni Fulvio, Sgorbissa Antonio, Zaccaria Renato, et al. , Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 7, Number 2, p.139-152, (2013)
Ground Truth Acquisition of Humanoid Soccer Robot Behaviour, Pennisi, Andrea, Bloisi Domenico, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 17th Annual Robocup International Symposium, p.1–8, (2013)
Human-Robot Collaboration for Semantic Labeling of the Environment, Bonanni, Taigo Maria, Pennisi Andrea, Bloisi Domenico, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Semantic Perception, Mapping and Exploration (SPME), p.1–6, (2013)
Integrated Balance Control on Uneven Terrain, Xue, Feng, Chen Xiaoping, Liu Jinsu, and Nardi D. , Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12, Volume 194, p.345-354, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction, Randelli, Gabriele, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction, Randelli, Gabriele, Bonanni Taigo Maria, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge Representation for Robots through Human-Robot Interaction, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Bloisi Domenico, Capobianco Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.7351, (2013)
Knowledgeable Talking Robots, Aiello, LuigiaCarlucci, Bastianelli Emanuele, Iocchi L., Nardi D., Perera Vittorio, and Randelli Gabriele , Artificial General Intelligence, Volume 7999, p.182-191, (2013)
Learning Environmental Knowledge From Task-Based-Robot Dialog, Kollar, Thomas, Perera Vittorio, Nardi D., and Veloso Manuela , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-13), p.4304-4309, (2013)
Novel Patterns and Methods for Zooming Camera Calibration, Pennisi, Andrea, Bloisi Domenico, Gaz Claudio, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Journal of WSCG, Volume 21, Number 1, p.59–67, (2013)
On-line semantic mapping, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Bloisi Domenico, Capobianco Roberto, Cossu Fabrizio, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2013 16th International Conference on, Nov, p.1-6, (2013)
RoboCup@Sapienza, Nardi, D., Iocchi L., and Aiello Luigia Carlucci , PAI@AI*IA, p.7-14, (2013)
UNITOR-HMM-TK: Structured Kernel-based learning for Spatial Role Labeling, Bastianelli, Emanuele, Croce Danilo, Basili Roberto, and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013). Association for Computational Linguistics, (2013)
The 2012 IEEE-RAS Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics Summer School [Poster paper], Sheh, Raymond, Komsuoglu Haldun, Jacoff Adam, Kimura Tetsuya, Nardi D., Pellenz Johannes, and Steinbauer Gerald , Proceedings of Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 8 november 2012, p.1–2, (2012)
Cooperative situation assessment in a maritime scenario, Farinelli, A., Nardi D., Pigliacampo R., Rossi Mirco, and Settembre Giuseppe Paolo , International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 27, Number 5, p.477–501, (2012)
Ground Traffic Surveillance System for Air Traffic Control, Bloisi, Domenico, Iocchi L., Nardi D., Fiorini M., and Graziano G. , Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), November, Taipei, Taiwan, p.160-164, (2012)
Multi-robot and multi-camera patrolling, King, Christopher, M Espina Valera, Grech Raphael, Mullen Robert, Remagnino Paolo, Iocchi L., Marchetti L., Nardi D., Monekosso D., and Nicolescu Mircea , Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance, p.255-286, (2012)
Real Time Biped Walking Gait Pattern Generator for a Real Robot, Xue, Feng, Chen Xiaoping, Liu Jinsu, and Nardi D. , Robocup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup, Volume 7416, p.210-221, (2012)
RoboCup: the Robot Soccer World Cup, Nardi, D., and Lima Pedro , Proceedings of the IROS-13 Workshop on Robot Competitions: Benchmarking, Technology Transfer and Education, (2012)
Evaluating Tangible Paradigms for Ground Robot Teleoperation, Randelli, Gabriele, Venanzi M., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), p.389–394, (2011)
Experimental Evaluation of Teamwork in Many-Robot Systems, D'Agostini, A., Calisi D., Leo A., Fedi F., Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of AAMAS 2011 (Demo), (2011)
Multi-Robot Patrolling with Coordinated Behaviours in Realistic Environments, Iocchi, L., Marchetti L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), p.2796–2801, (2011)
Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring, M Espina, Valera, Grech R., De Jager D., Remagnino Paolo, Iocchi L., Marchetti L., Nardi D., Monekosso D., Nicolescu M., and King C. , Innovations in Defence Support Systems – 3, Volume 336, p.183-209, (2011)
Multi-robot Teams for Environmental Monitoring, Espina, M., Grech R., De Jager D., Remagnino Paolo, Iocchi L., Marchetti L., Nardi D., Monekosso D., Nicolescu M., and King C. , Innovations in Defence Support Systems – 3, Volume 336, p.183-209, (2011)
Petri Net Plans - A framework for collaboration and coordination in multi-robot systems, Ziparo, V. A., Iocchi L., Lima Pedro, Nardi D., and Palamara P. , Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Volume 23, Number 3, p.344–383, (2011)
Real Time Biped Walking Gait Pattern Generator for a Real Robot, Xue, F., Chen X., Liu J., and Nardi D. , (2011)
Smart Monitoring of Complex Public Scenes, Iocchi, L., Monekosso D., Nardi D., Nicolescu M., Remagnino Paolo, and M Espina Valera , 2011 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, (2011)
Suppose you have a robot, L. Aiello, Carlucci, Nardi D., Randelli Gabriele, and Scalzo C.M. , Gerhard Lakemeyer and Sheila A. McIlraith (Eds.) Knowing, Reasoning, and Acting, Essays in Honour of Hector J. Levesque, p.27–46, (2011)
Tangible interfaces for robot teleoperation, Randelli, Gabriele, Venanzi M., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction, New York, NY, USA, p.231–232, (2011)
Unifying Class-Based Representation Formalisms, Calvanese, D., Lenzerini M., and Nardi D. , JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume 11, p.199–240, (2011)
User-friendly security robots, Randelli, Gabriele, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011), p.308–313, (2011)
Introducing ontology best practices and design patterns into robotics: USAREnv, Randelli, Gabriele, and Nardi D. , Proceeding of the 2010 conference on Modular Ontologies: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop (WoMO 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, p.67–80, (2010)
MoVeME benchmarks for rescue robots, service robots and soccer robots, Calisi, D., and Nardi D. , (2010)
On-line robot execution monitoring using probabilistic action duration, Ziparo, V. A., Iocchi L., Leonetti M., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), p.1521–1522, (2010)
Policy gradient learning for quadruped soccer robots, Cherubini, A., Giannone F., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Palamara P. F. , Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 58, Number 7, p.872–878, (2010)
A Probabilistic Action Duration Model for Plan Selection and Monitoring, Ziparo, V. A., Iocchi L., Leonetti M., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), p.4716–4721, (2010)
Software Development for Networked Robot Systems, Calisi, D., Fedi F., Leo A., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV), (2010)
Agent Approach to Situation Assessment, Settembre, Giuseppe Paolo, Pigliacampo R., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Agents and Artifical Intelligence ({ICAART}-09), Jan, Porto, Portugal, p.287–290, (2009)
Give me the control, I can see the robot!, Valero, A., Randelli Gabriele, Saracini C., Botta F., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of the IEEE International. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2009), p.1–6, (2009)
Improving Search and Rescue Using Contextual Information, Calisi, D., Iocchi L., Nardi D., Randelli Gabriele, and Ziparo V. A. , Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Number 9, p.1199–1216, (2009)
Multi-Objective Multi-Robot Surveillance, F. Fave, Delle, Canu S., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Ziparo V. A. , Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents, Wellington, New Zealand, p.68–73, (2009)
Performance evaluation of pure-motion tasks for mobile robots with respect to world models, Calisi, D., and Nardi D. , Autonomous Robots, sep, Volume 27, Number 4, p.465–481, (2009)
Reasoning about Actions with Sensing under Qualitative and Probabilistic Uncertainty, Iocchi, L., Lukasiewicz T., Nardi D., and Rosati R. , {ACM} Transactions on Computational Logics, Volume 10, Number 1, p.1–41, (2009)
Robotic, Sensory and Problem-Solving Ingredients for the Future Home, Cesta, A., Iocchi L., Leone G. R., Nardi D., Pecora F., and Rasconi R. , Intelligent Environments: Methods, Algorithms and Applications, p.67–87, (2009)
Solving disagreements in a Multi-Agent System performing Situation Assessment, Settembre, Giuseppe Paolo, Farinelli A., Nardi D., Pigliacampo R., and Rossi Mirco , Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Information Fusion ({IF}-09), July, Seattle, WA, USA, p.717–724, (2009)
Autonomous Indoor Hovering with a Quadrotor, Angeletti, G., Valente J. R. Pereira, Iocchi L., and Nardi D. , Proceedings of Workshop on Mini and Micro UAV for Security and Surveillance (CD-ROM Proceedings), p.472–481, (2008)
Context-based design of robotic systems, Calisi, D., Iocchi L., Nardi D., Scalzo C.M., and Ziparo V. A. , Robotics and Autonomous Systems ({RAS}) - Special Issue on Semantic Knowledge in Robotics, nov, Volume 56, Number 11, p.992–1003, (2008)
