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Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Emotional machines: The next revolution, Franzoni, V., Milani A., Nardi D., and Vallverdu J. , WEB INTELLIGENCE, Volume {17}, Number {1}, p.1-7, (2019)
On Field Gesture-Based Robot-to-Robot Communication with NAO Soccer Players, Valerio, Di Giambattis, Fawakherji Mulham, Suriani Vincenzo, Bloisi Domenico D., and Nardi Daniele , RoboCup 2019: Robot World Cup XXIII, p.367–375, (2019)
On Field Gesture-Based Robot-to-Robot Communication with NAO Soccer Players, Di Giambattista, V., Fawakherji M., Suriani V., Bloisi D. D., and Nardi D. , Volume {11531}, Number {False}, p.367-375, (2019)
Foundations for Restraining Bolts: Reinforcement Learning with LTLf/LDLf Restraining Specifications, De Giacomo, Giuseppe, Iocchi Luca, Favorito Marco, and Patrizi Fabio , Volume {29}, Number {False}, p.128-136, (2019)
Improving Students’ Concepts About Newtonian Mechanics Using Mobile Robots, Ferrarelli, Paola, Villa Wilson, Attolini Margherita, Cesareni Donatella, Micale Federica, Sansone Nadia, Pantaleone Luis Claudio, and Iocchi Luca , Volume {829}, Number {False}, p.113-124, (2019)
Mapping Infected Crops Through UAV Inspection: The Sunflower Downy Mildew Parasite Case, Rodríguez-Gómez, Juan Pablo, Di Cicco Maurilio, Nardi Sandro, and Nardi Daniele , Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. From Theory to Practice, p.495–503, (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carbone Carlos, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines(I-RIM), (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
Robotics for Precision Agriculture @DIAG, Potena, Ciro, Fawakherji Mulham, Carlos Carbone, Imperoli Marco, Nardi Daniele, and Pretto Alberto , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2019)
A ROS-Based Framework for Simulation and Benchmarking of Multi-robot Patrolling Algorithms, Portugal, D., Iocchi L., and Farinelli A. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.3-28, (2019)
UAV Image Based Crop and Weed Distribution Estimation on Embedded GPU Boards, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena Ciro, Bloisi Domenico D., Imperoli Marco, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, p.100–108, (2019)
UAV image based crop and weed distribution estimation on embedded GPU boards, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena C., Bloisi D. D., Imperoli M., Pretto A., and Nardi D. , Volume {1089}, Number {False}, p.100-108, (2019)
UAV image based crop and weed distribution estimation on embedded GPU boards, Fawakherji, Mulham, Potena C., Bloisi D. D., Imperoli M., Pretto A., and Nardi D. , Volume {1089}, Number {False}, p.100-108, (2019)
Aflatoxin contamination in nuts marketed in Italy. Preliminary results, Diella, G., Caggiano Giuseppina, Ferrieri F., Ventrella A., Palma M., Napoli C., Rutigliano S., Lopuzzo M., Lovero G., and Montagna M. T. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5}, p.401-409, (2018)
Deep Convolutional Pixel-wise Labeling for Skin Lesion Image Segmentation, Youssef, A., Bloisi D. D., Muscio M., Pennisi A., Nardi D., and Facchiano A. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2018)
Design of robot teaching assistants through multi-modal human-robot interactions, Ferrarelli, Paola, Lázaro Maria T., and Iocchi Luca , Volume {630}, Number {False}, p.274-286, (2018)
Design of robot teaching assistants through multi-modal human-robot interactions, Ferrarelli, Paola, Lázaro Maria T., and Iocchi Luca , Volume {630}, Number {False}, p.274-286, (2018)
Fast and Power-Efficient Embedded Software Implementation of Digital Image Stabilization for Low-Cost Autonomous Boats, Aldegheri, S., Bloisi D. D., Blum J. J., Bombieri N., and Farinelli A. , Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 11th International Conference, p.129–144, (2018)
Full-GRU Natural Language Video Description for Service Robotics Applications, Cascianelli, Silvia, Costante Gabriele, Ciarfuglia Thomas A., Valigi Paolo, and Fravolini Mario L. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {3}, Number {2}, p.841-848, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area, Baldoni, R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-228, (2018)
Hospital hygiene and infection prevention and control in Italy. State of the art and perspectives, Brusaferro, Silvio, Arnoldo L., Finzi G., Mura I., Auxilia F., Pasquarella C., Agodi A., Pitzurra Mario, Arrigoni C., Barchitta M., et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5 Supp. 2}, p.1-6, (2018)
Hospital hygiene and infection prevention and control in Italy. State of the art and perspectives, Brusaferro, Silvio, Arnoldo L., Finzi G., Mura I., Auxilia F., Pasquarella C., Agodi A., Pitzurra Mario, Arrigoni C., Barchitta M., et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5 Supp. 2}, p.1-6, (2018)
Hospital hygiene and infection prevention and control in Italy. State of the art and perspectives, Brusaferro, Silvio, Arnoldo L., Finzi G., Mura I., Auxilia F., Pasquarella C., Agodi A., Pitzurra Mario, Arrigoni C., Barchitta M., et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5 Supp. 2}, p.1-6, (2018)
Hospital hygiene in Italy. the GISIO-SItI survey, Pasquarella, C, Ciorba V, Arnoldo L, Auxilia F, Baldovin T, Barchitta M, Bianco A, Calagreti G, Casini B, Cristina M L., et al. , ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITÀ, Volume {30}, Number {5 Supple 2}, p.7-14, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici, Baldoni, Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO F. I. L. O. M. E. N. O., Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, et al. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-226, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness. Combined results from five European studies, Rondy, M, Kissling E, Emborg Hd, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, Mcmenamin J, Valenciano M, et al. , EUROSURVEILLANCE, Volume {23}, Number {9}, p.1-12, (2018)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots, Lázaro, M. T., Grisetti G., Iocchi L., Fentanes J. P., and Hanheide M. , Volume {694}, Number {False}, p.295-306, (2018)
