Camera Based Target Recognition for Maritime Awareness,
, Proceedings of the Fifteen International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Singapore, p.1982–1987, (2012)
Camera Based Target Recognition for Maritime Awareness,
, Proceedings of the Fifteen International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Singapore, p.1982–1987, (2012)
Context-Aware Video Analysis for Infomobility,
, Proceedings of the 2012 Sixth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), Washington, DC, USA, p.971–976, (2012)
Cooperative situation assessment in a maritime scenario,
, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 27, Number 5, p.477–501, (2012)
Design choices for modular and flexible robotic software development: the OpenRDK viewpoint,
, Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), March, Volume 3, Number 1, p.13–27, (2012)
Domestic Service Robots in the Real World,
, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Volume 66, p.183-186, (2012)
A Fully Autonomous Indoor Quadrotor,
, Robotics, IEEE Transactions on, feb., Volume 28, Number 1, p.90-100, (2012)
Ground Traffic Surveillance System for Air Traffic Control,
, Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), November, Taipei, Taiwan, p.160-164, (2012)
Ground Traffic Surveillance System for Air Traffic Control,
, Proceedings of the12th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications (ITST), November, Taipei, Taiwan, p.160-164, (2012)
Highly Accurate 3D Surface Models by Sparse Surface Adjustment,
, Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May, St. Paul, MN, USA, (2012)
Independent Multimodal Background Subtraction,
, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, September, Rome, Italy, p.39-44, (2012)
Independent Multimodal Background Subtraction,
, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Modeling of Objects Presented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, September, Rome, Italy, p.39-44, (2012)
Induction and Learning of Finite-State Controllers from Simulation,
, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), (2012)
Multi-robot and multi-camera patrolling,
, Handbook on Soft Computing for Video Surveillance, p.255-286, (2012)
Real Time Biped Walking Gait Pattern Generator for a Real Robot,
, Robocup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup, Volume 7416, p.210-221, (2012)
Real Time Biped Walking Gait Pattern Generator for a Real Robot,
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RoboCup: the Robot Soccer World Cup,
, Proceedings of the IROS-13 Workshop on Robot Competitions: Benchmarking, Technology Transfer and Education, (2012)
Robust Optimization of Factor Graphs by using Condensed Measurement,
, Proc. of the {IEEE/RSJ} Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October, Vilamoura, Portugal, (2012)
Simultaneous Parameter Calibration, Localization, and Mapping,
, Advanced Robotics, Volume 26, Number 17, p.2021–2041, (2012)
Structured learning for semantic role labeling,
, Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 6, Number 2, p.163-176, (2012)
Background modeling in the maritime domain,
, Machine Vision and Applications, p.1-13, (2013)
Benchmarking Intelligent Service Robots through Scientific Competitions: The RoboCup@Home Approach,
, AAAI Spring Symposium: Designing Intelligent Robots, (2013)
Development of intelligent service robots,
, Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 7, Number 2, p.139-152, (2013)
Development of intelligent service robots,
, Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 7, Number 2, p.139-152, (2013)
Editorial to the 'pattern recognition and artificial intelligence for human behaviour analysis' special section,
, Expert Systems, Volume 30, Number 2, p.99-100, (2013)
Efficient Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots using the Kinect Sensor,
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Efficient Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots using the Kinect Sensor,
, ECMR, Barcelona, Spain, (2013)
Efficient Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots using the Kinect Sensor,
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Efficient Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots using the Kinect Sensor,
, ECMR, Barcelona, Spain, (2013)
Exploration and mapping of catacombs with mobile robots,
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Exploration and mapping of catacombs with mobile robots,
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Ground Truth Acquisition of Humanoid Soccer Robot Behaviour,
, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Robocup International Symposium, p.1–8, (2013)
Human-Robot Collaboration for Semantic Labeling of the Environment,
, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Semantic Perception, Mapping and Exploration (SPME), p.1–6, (2013)
Human-Robot Collaboration for Semantic Labeling of the Environment,
, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Semantic Perception, Mapping and Exploration (SPME), p.1–6, (2013)
Integrated Balance Control on Uneven Terrain,
, Intelligent Autonomous Systems 12, Volume 194, p.345-354, (2013)
Kernel-Based Discriminative Re-ranking for Spoken Command Understanding in HRI.,
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Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction,
, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction,
, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction,
, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge Representation for Robots through Human-Robot Interaction,
, arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.7351, (2013)
Knowledge Representation for Robots through Human-Robot Interaction,
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Knowledgeable Talking Robots,
, Artificial General Intelligence, Volume 7999, p.182-191, (2013)
Knowledgeable Talking Robots,
, Artificial General Intelligence, Volume 7999, p.182-191, (2013)
Learning Environmental Knowledge From Task-Based-Robot Dialog,
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-13), p.4304-4309, (2013)
Multi-Robot SLAM using Condensed Measurements,
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (2013)
Novel Patterns and Methods for Zooming Camera Calibration,
, Journal of WSCG, Volume 21, Number 1, p.59–67, (2013)
On-line semantic mapping,
, Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2013 16th International Conference on, Nov, p.1-6, (2013)
On-line semantic mapping,
, Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2013 16th International Conference on, Nov, p.1-6, (2013)
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