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Dynamic token generation for constrained tasks in a Multi-Robot System,
, International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, p.911–917, (2004)
Experiments with the RoboCup Rescue Simulator in a Post Earthquake Emergency Italian Scenario,
, Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robots (SSRR), May, Bonn, Germany, (2004)
A Multi Agent System approach for emergency intervention: experimental analysis and evaluation,
, September, (2004)
Multi Robot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination,
, IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics, part B, October, Volume 34, Number 5, p.2015–2028, (2004)
Multi Robot Systems: A Classification Focused on Coordination,
, IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics, part B, October, Volume 34, Number 5, p.2015–2028, (2004)
Planning trajectories in dynamic environments using a gradient method,
, Proceedings of the International RoboCup Symposium 2003, Heidelberg, p.320–331, (2004)
RoboCup Rescue Simulation: Methodologies, Tools and Evaluation for Practical Applications,
, Proceedings of International RoboCup Symposium 2003, Heidelberg, p.645–652, (2004)
RoboCup Rescue Simulation: Methodologies, Tools and Evaluation for Practical Applications,
, Proceedings of International RoboCup Symposium 2003, Heidelberg, p.645–652, (2004)
Situation Assessment and Information Fusion: an experimental framework for performance evaluation,
, 29-30 June., (2004)
Token Approach for Role Allocation in Extreme Teams: analysis and experimental evaluation,
, 13th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2004)., Los Alamitos California (USA), p.397–402, (2004)
Token Approach for Role Allocation in Extreme Teams: analysis and experimental evaluation,
, 13th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2004)., Los Alamitos California (USA), p.397–402, (2004)
Allocating and Reallocating Roles in Very Large Scale Teams,
, July, (2003)
An Analysis of Coordination in Multi-Robot Systems,
, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Washington D. C., (USA), p.1487–1492, (2003)
An Analysis of Coordination in Multi-Robot Systems,
, Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics, Washington D. C., (USA), p.1487–1492, (2003)
Building large-scale robot systems: Distributed role assignment in dynamic, uncertain domains,
, (2003)
Building large-scale robot systems: Distributed role assignment in dynamic, uncertain domains,
, (2003)
Cognitive Soccer Robots,
, ERCIM News, Volume 53, p.26–27, (2003)
Cognitive Soccer Robots,
, ERCIM News, Volume 53, p.26–27, (2003)
Design and evaluation of multi agent systems for rescue operations,
, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'03), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), p.3138–3143, (2003)
Information Fusion,
, (2002)
Information Fusion,
, (2002)
Monitoring and Information Fusion for Search and Rescue Operations in Large-Scale Disasters,
, IEEE Int. Conf. Information Fusion, July, AnnaPolis, Maryland (USA), p.672–679, (2002)
Monitoring and Information Fusion for Search and Rescue Operations in Large-Scale Disasters,
, IEEE Int. Conf. Information Fusion, July, AnnaPolis, Maryland (USA), p.672–679, (2002)