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COACHES Cooperative Autonomous Robots in Complex and Human Populated Environments,
, Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.465-477, (2015)
COACHES Cooperative Autonomous Robots in Complex and Human Populated Environments,
, Volume {9336}, Number {False}, p.465-477, (2015)
Multi-Robot Perception and Action: World Modeling and Task Allocation,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls,
, Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls,
, Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls,
, Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls,
, Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
Personalized Short-Term Multi-modal Interaction for Social Robots Assisting Users in Shopping Malls,
, Volume {9388}, Number {False}, p.264-274, (2015)
A practical framework for robust decision-theoretic planning and execution for service robots,
, Volume {2016}, Number {False}, p.486-494, (2016)