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Skin lesion image segmentation using Delaunay Triangulation for melanoma detection,
, COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, Volume {52}, Number {False}, p.89-103, (2016)
SmartSEAL: A ros based home automation framework for heterogeneous devices interconnection in smart buildings,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2016)
Speaky for robots: the development of vocal interfaces for robotic applications,
, Applied Intelligence, Volume 44, Number 1, p.43–66, (2016)
Spoken language understanding for Service Robotics in Italian,
, Volume {10037}, Number {False}, p.477-489, (2016)
ARGOS-Venice Boat Classification,
, Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on, p.1–6, (2015)
ARGOS-Venice Boat Classification,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
ARGOS-Venice Boat Classification,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
ARGOS-Venice Boat Classification,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2015)
Authorship Semantical Identification using Holomorphic Chebyshev Projectors,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.232-237, (2015)
Authorship Semantical Identification using Holomorphic Chebyshev Projectors,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.232-237, (2015)
Benchmark Tests on Improved Merge for Big Data Processing,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.96-101, (2015)
Competitions for Benchmarking: Task and Functionality Scoring Complete Performance Assessment,
, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 22, Number 3, p.53–61, (2015)
Competitions for Benchmarking: Task and Functionality Scoring Complete Performance Assessment,
, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 22, Number 3, p.53–61, (2015)
Competitions for Benchmarking: Task and Functionality Scoring Complete Performance Assessment,
, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 22, Number 3, p.53–61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Competitions for benchmarking: task and functionality scoring complete performance assessment,
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {22}, Number {3}, p.53-61, (2015)
Context-Based Coordination for a Multi-Robot Soccer Team,
, RoboCup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX, p.276–289, (2015)
Context-based coordination for a multi-robot soccer team,
, Volume {9513}, Number {False}, p.276-289, (2015)
Counterfactual Reasoning about Intent for Interactive Navigation in Dynamic Environments,
, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, p.2943-2950, (2015)
A First Attempt to Cloud-Based User Verification in Distributed System,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.226-231, (2015)
A First Attempt to Cloud-Based User Verification in Distributed System,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.226-231, (2015)
A framework for dynamic context exploitation,
, 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, {FUSION} 2015, Washington, DC, USA, July 6-9, 2015, p.1160–1167, (2015)
A framework for dynamic context exploitation,
, 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, {FUSION} 2015, Washington, DC, USA, July 6-9, 2015, p.1160–1167, (2015)
A framework for dynamic context exploitation,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1160-1167, (2015)
A framework for dynamic context exploitation,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1160-1167, (2015)
Integrated Visual Information for Maritime Surveillance,
, Clean Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems, p.237-264, (2015)
Integrated Visual Information for Maritime Surveillance,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.237-263, (2015)
IRL-based Prediction of Goals for Dynamic Environments,
, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (2015)
On the Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) to Enhance Safety and Security at Sea,
, International Conference of Advanced Intelligent Maritime Safety and Technology (Ai-MAST), p.318–328, (2015)
Melanoma Detection Using Delaunay Triangulation,
, IEEE 27th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, p.791–798, (2015)
Multi-modal Background Model Initialization,
, New Trends in Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2015 Workshops, Volume 9281, p.485-492, (2015)
Multi-modal Background Model Initialization,
, Volume {9281}, Number {False}, p.485-492, (2015)
Multi-Robot Surveillance through a Distributed Sensor Network,
, Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks, Volume 604, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network,
, Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network,
, Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Multi-robot Surveillance Through a Distributed Sensor Network,
, Volume {604}, Number {False}, p.77-98, (2015)
Plane Extraction for Indoor Place Recognition,
, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Volume 9386, p.530-540, (2015)
Plane Extraction for Indoor Place Recognition,
, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Volume 9386, p.530-540, (2015)
Plane Extraction for Indoor Place Recognition,
, Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, Volume 9386, p.530-540, (2015)
Plane extraction for indoor place recognition,
, Volume {9386}, Number {False}, p.530-540, (2015)
Real-Time Adaptive Background Modeling in Fast Changing Conditions,
, Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on, p.1-6, (2015)
Real-time adaptive background modeling in fast changing conditions,
, Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2015)
Reducing interferences in wireless communication systems by mobile agents with recurrent neural networks-based adaptive channel equalization,
, Volume {9662}, Number {False}, p.96621U-96621U-9, (2015)
Reducing interferences in wireless communication systems by mobile agents with recurrent neural networks-based adaptive channel equalization,
, Volume {9662}, Number {False}, p.96621U-96621U-9, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets,
, Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)
RoboCup@Home Spoken Corpus: Using Robotic Competitions for Gathering Datasets,
, Volume {8992}, Number {False}, p.19-30, (2015)