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Journal Article
Design of robot teaching assistants through multi-modal human-robot interactions, Ferrarelli, Paola, Lázaro Maria T., and Iocchi Luca , Volume {630}, Number {False}, p.274-286, (2018)
Design choices for modular and flexible robotic software development: the OpenRDK viewpoint, Calisi, D., Censi A., Iocchi L., and D. Nardi , Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics (JOSER), March, Volume 3, Number 1, p.13–27, (2012)
Design and implementation of modular software for programming mobile robots, Farinelli, A., Grisetti G., and Iocchi L. , International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, March, Volume 3, Number 1, p.37–42, (2006)
Description Logics of Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure, Donini, Francesco M., Nardi Daniele, and Rosati Riccardo , Volume 3, Number 2, p.1–49, (2002)
Description Logics of Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure, Donini, Francesco M., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , Volume 3, Number 2, p.1–49, (2002)
Description Logics of Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure, Donini, Francesco M., Nardi D., and Rosati Riccardo , TOCL, Volume 3, Number 2, p.1–49, (2002)
Delivering resources for augmented reality by UAVs: a reinforcement learning approach, Brunori, Damiano, Colonnese Stefania, Cuomo Francesca, Flore Giovanna, and Iocchi Luca , FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS, Volume {2}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2021)
Delivering resources for augmented reality by UAVs: a reinforcement learning approach, Brunori, Damiano, Colonnese Stefania, Cuomo Francesca, Flore Giovanna, and Iocchi Luca , FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS, Volume {2}, Number {False}, p.1-14, (2021)
Deep Spatial Affordance Hierarchy: Spatial Knowledge Representation for Planning in Large-scale Environments, Pronobis, Andrzej, Riccio Francesco, and Rao Rajesh P. N. , (2017)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pin-Point Autonomous Lunar Landing: Trajectory Recalculation for Obstacle Avoidance, Ciabatti, Giulia, Spiller Dario, Daftry Shreyansh, Capobianco Roberto, and Curti Fabio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.101-115, (2023)
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pin-Point Autonomous Lunar Landing: Trajectory Recalculation for Obstacle Avoidance, Ciabatti, Giulia, Spiller Dario, Daftry Shreyansh, Capobianco Roberto, and Curti Fabio , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2022)
Deep learning-based pixel-wise lesion segmentation on oral squamous cell carcinoma images, Martino, F., Bloisi D. D., Pennisi A., Fawakherji M., Ilardi G., Russo D., Nardi D., Staibano S., and Merolla F. , APPLIED SCIENCES, Volume {10}, Number {22}, p.1-14, (2020)
Deep learning-based pixel-wise lesion segmentation on oral squamous cell carcinoma images, Martino, F., Bloisi D. D., Pennisi A., Fawakherji M., Ilardi G., Russo D., Nardi D., Staibano S., and Merolla F. , APPLIED SCIENCES, Volume {10}, Number {22}, p.1-14, (2020)
A Deep Learning Approach for Object Recognition with NAO Soccer Robots, Albani, Dario, Youssef Ali, Suriani Vincenzo, Nardi Daniele, and Bloisi Domenico Daniele , Volume {9776}, Number {False}, p.392-403, (2017)
A Deep Learning Approach for Object Recognition with NAO Soccer Robots, Albani, Dario, Youssef Ali, Suriani Vincenzo, Nardi Daniele, and Bloisi Domenico Daniele , Volume {9776}, Number {False}, p.392-403, (2017)
Deep Convolutional Pixel-wise Labeling for Skin Lesion Image Segmentation, Youssef, A., Bloisi D. D., Muscio M., Pennisi A., Nardi D., and Facchiano A. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.1-6, (2018)
Dealing with on-line human-robot negotiations in hierarchical agent-based task planner, Sebastiani, E., Lallement R., Alami R., and Iocchi L. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.549-557, (2017)
Dealing with on-line human-robot negotiations in hierarchical agent-based task planner, Sebastiani, E., Lallement R., Alami R., and Iocchi L. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.549-557, (2017)
DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments, Wiesmann, L., Guadagnino T., Vizzo I., Grisetti G., Behley J., and Stachniss C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {7}, Number {3}, p.6327-6334, (2022)
DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments, Wiesmann, L., Guadagnino T., Vizzo I., Grisetti G., Behley J., and Stachniss C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {7}, Number {3}, p.6327-6334, (2022)
DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments, Wiesmann, L., Guadagnino T., Vizzo I., Grisetti G., Behley J., and Stachniss C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {7}, Number {3}, p.6327-6334, (2022)
DCPCR: Deep Compressed Point Cloud Registration in Large-Scale Outdoor Environments, Wiesmann, L., Guadagnino T., Vizzo I., Grisetti G., Behley J., and Stachniss C. , IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Volume {7}, Number {3}, p.6327-6334, (2022)
Data Augmentation Using GANs for Crop/Weed Segmentation in Precision Farming, Fawakherji, M., Potena C., Prevedello I., Pretto A., Bloisi D. D., and Nardi D. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.279-284, (2020)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weeds Classification for Precision Agriculture Using Context-Independent Pixel-Wise Segmentation, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico, Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.146-152, (2019)
Crop and Weed Classification Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images, Fawakherji, Mulham, Youssef Ali, Bloisi Domenico D., Pretto Alberto, and Nardi Daniele , International Journal of Robotic Computing, Volume 2, Number 1, p.39–57, (2020)
Crop and Weed Classication Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images, Fawakherji, Mulham , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC COMPUTING, Volume {2}, Number {1}, p.39-57, (2020)
Crop and Weed Classication Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images, Fawakherji, Mulham , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC COMPUTING, Volume {2}, Number {1}, p.39-57, (2020)
Crop and Weed Classication Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images, Fawakherji, Mulham , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC COMPUTING, Volume {2}, Number {1}, p.39-57, (2020)
Crop and Weed Classication Using Pixel-wise Segmentation on Ground and Aerial Images, Fawakherji, Mulham , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC COMPUTING, Volume {2}, Number {1}, p.39-57, (2020)
Coordination in multi-agent RoboCup teams, Candea, C., Hu H., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Piaggio M. , Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 36, p.67–86, (2001)
Coordination and Cooperation in Robot Soccer, Suriani, V., Antonioni E., Riccio F., and Nardi D. , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.215-227, (2021)
Cooperative Strategy for Optimal Management of Smart Grids by Wavelet RNNs and Cloud Computing, Napoli, C, Pappalardo G, Tina M, and Tramontana E , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, Volume {27}, Number {8}, p.1672-1685, (2016)
Cooperative Strategy for Optimal Management of Smart Grids by Wavelet RNNs and Cloud Computing, Napoli, C, Pappalardo G, Tina M, and Tramontana E , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS, Volume {27}, Number {8}, p.1672-1685, (2016)
Cooperative situation assessment in a maritime scenario, Farinelli, A., Nardi D., Pigliacampo R., Rossi Mirco, and Settembre Giuseppe Paolo , International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Volume 27, Number 5, p.477–501, (2012)
Cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning in soccer domains, Ocana, Jim Martin Cat, Capobianco R., Riccio F., and Nardi D. , Volume {4}, Number {False}, p.1865-1867, (2019)
Cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning in soccer domains, Ocana, Jim Martin Cat, Capobianco R., Riccio F., and Nardi D. , Volume {4}, Number {False}, p.1865-1867, (2019)
Cooperative multi-agent deep reinforcement learning in soccer domains, Ocana, Jim Martin Cat, Capobianco R., Riccio F., and Nardi D. , Volume {4}, Number {False}, p.1865-1867, (2019)
Cooperative Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in a 2 Versus 2 Free-Kick Task, Ocana, J. M. Catacor, Riccio F., Capobianco R., and Nardi D. , Volume {11531}, Number {False}, p.44-57, (2019)
Convergent Approaches to AI Explainability for HEP Muonic Particles Pattern Recognition, Maglianella, L., Nicoletti L., Giagu S., Napoli C., and Scardapane S. , COMPUTING AND SOFTWARE FOR BIG SCIENCE, Volume {7}, Number {1}, p.False-False, (2023)
Convergent Approaches to AI Explainability for HEP Muonic Particles Pattern Recognition, Maglianella, L., Nicoletti L., Giagu S., Napoli C., and Scardapane S. , COMPUTING AND SOFTWARE FOR BIG SCIENCE, Volume {7}, Number {1}, p.False-False, (2023)
Contexts for Symbiotic Autonomy: Semantic Mapping, Task Teaching and Social Robotics, Capobianco, Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Riccio Francesco, and Vanzo Andrea , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.733-736, (2016)
Contexts for Symbiotic Autonomy: Semantic Mapping, Task Teaching and Social Robotics, Capobianco, Roberto, Gemignani Guglielmo, Iocchi Luca, Nardi Daniele, Riccio Francesco, and Vanzo Andrea , Volume {False}, Number {False}, p.733-736, (2016)
A context-driven privacy enforcement system for autonomous media capture devices, Farinella, Giovanni Maria, Napoli Christian, Nicotra Gabriele, and Riccobene Salvatore , MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, Volume {78}, Number {10}, p.14091-14108, (2019)
A context-driven privacy enforcement system for autonomous media capture devices, Farinella, Giovanni Maria, Napoli Christian, Nicotra Gabriele, and Riccobene Salvatore , MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, Volume {78}, Number {10}, p.14091-14108, (2019)
