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Real-Time People Localization and Tracking through Fixed Stereo Vision,
, Applied Intelligence, Volume 26, p.83–97, (2007)
Real-Time People Localization and Tracking through Fixed Stereo Vision,
, Proceedings of Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IEA/AIE), Bari, Italy, p.44–54, (2005)
Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People through Stereo Vision,
, Proceedings of IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments, p.252–259, (2005)
Real-Time Tracking of Multiple People through Stereo Vision,
, Proceedings of IEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments, p.252–259, (2005)
RoboCare: intelligenza distribuita per l'assistenza agli anziani in ambiente domestico,
, Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 1, Number 1, p.16–21, (2004)
RoboCare: intelligenza distribuita per l'assistenza agli anziani in ambiente domestico,
, Intelligenza Artificiale, Volume 1, Number 1, p.16–21, (2004)
RoboCare: an Integrated Robotic System for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, {Proceedings of workshop on Ambient Intelligence AI*IA-03, Pisa, Italy}, (2003)
RoboCare: an Integrated Robotic System for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, {Proceedings of workshop on Ambient Intelligence AI*IA-03, Pisa, Italy}, (2003)
RoboCare: Pervasive Intelligence for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, {AI*IA Magazine Special Issue}, (2003)
RoboCare: Pervasive Intelligence for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, {AI*IA Magazine Special Issue}, (2003)
RoboCare: an Integrated Robotic System for the Domestic Care of the Elderly,
, In Proceedings of Workshop on Ambient Intelligence AI*IA-03, Pisa, Italy, (1995)