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RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: A Successful Robotics Competition during a Pandemic [Competitions],
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {28}, Number {4}, p.114-119, (2021)
RoboCup 2021 Worldwide: A Successful Robotics Competition during a Pandemic [Competitions],
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {28}, Number {4}, p.114-119, (2021)
Reinforcement learning for optimization of COVID-19 mitigation policies,
, Volume {2884}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
Reinforcement learning for optimization of COVID-19 mitigation policies,
, Volume {2884}, Number {False}, p.False-False, (2020)
RoboCup: A Treasure Trove of Rich Diversity for Research Issues and Interdisciplinary Connections [TC Spotlight],
, IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION MAGAZINE, Volume {26}, Number {3}, p.99-102, (2019)