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Short-Term Human Robot Interaction through Conditional Planning and Execution, Sanelli, V., Cashmore M., Magazzeni D., and Iocchi L. , Proc. of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), (2017)
Scan matching in the Hough domain, Censi, A., Iocchi L., and Grisetti G. , Barcelona, Spain, p.2739–2744, (2005)
Scan matching in the Hough domain, Censi, A., Iocchi L., and Grisetti G. , ICRA, Barcelona, Spain, p.2739–2744, (2005)
Scan matching in the Hough domain, Censi, A., Iocchi L., and Grisetti G. , Barcelona, Spain, p.2739–2744, (2005)
SPQR-RDK: a modular framework for programming mobile robots, Farinelli, A., Grisetti G., and Iocchi L. , Proceedings of International RoboCup Symposium 2004, Heidelberg, p.653–660, (2005)
Stereo Vision Based Human Body Detection From A Localized Mobile Robot, Bahadori, Sh., Iocchi L., Nardi D., and Settembre Giuseppe Paolo , IEEE International Conference in Advanced Vision and Signal Based Surveillance, AVSS 2005, (2005)