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RoboCupRescue - Virtual Robots League, Team SPQR-Virtual, Italy,
, Proceedings of International RoboCup Symposium 2008 - (CD-ROM Proceedings), (2008)
The Advantage of Mobility: Mobile Tele-operation for Mobile Robots,
, Proceedings of the AISB 2009 Convention, (2009)
Give me the control, I can see the robot!,
, Proceedings of the IEEE International. Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2009), p.1–6, (2009)
Improving Search and Rescue Using Contextual Information,
, Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Number 9, p.1199–1216, (2009)
Improving Search and Rescue Using Contextual Information,
, Advanced Robotics, Volume 23, Number 9, p.1199–1216, (2009)
Spatial processes in mobile robot teleoperation,
, Cognitive Processing, Volume 10, Number 2, p.338–341, (2009)
Introducing ontology best practices and design patterns into robotics: USAREnv,
, Proceeding of the 2010 conference on Modular Ontologies: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop (WoMO 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, p.67–80, (2010)
Introducing ontology best practices and design patterns into robotics: USAREnv,
, Proceeding of the 2010 conference on Modular Ontologies: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop (WoMO 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, p.67–80, (2010)
Evaluating Tangible Paradigms for Ground Robot Teleoperation,
, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), p.389–394, (2011)
Improving Human-Robot Awareness through Semantic-driven Tangible Interaction,
, Rome, Italy (forthcoming), (2011)
Multi-agent Behavior Composition through Adaptable Software Architectures and Tangible Interfaces,
, RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV, Volume 6556, p.278-290, (2011)
Operator Performance in Exploration Robotics,
, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, p.1-21, (2011)
Operator Performance in Exploration Robotics,
, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, p.1-21, (2011)
Suppose you have a robot,
, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Sheila A. McIlraith (Eds.) Knowing, Reasoning, and Acting, Essays in Honour of Hector J. Levesque, p.27–46, (2011)
Suppose you have a robot,
, Gerhard Lakemeyer and Sheila A. McIlraith (Eds.) Knowing, Reasoning, and Acting, Essays in Honour of Hector J. Levesque, p.27–46, (2011)
Tangible interfaces for robot teleoperation,
, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction, New York, NY, USA, p.231–232, (2011)
User-friendly security robots,
, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR2011), p.308–313, (2011)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction,
, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledge acquisition through human–robot multimodal interaction,
, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 6, p.19-31, (2013)
Knowledgeable Talking Robots,
, Artificial General Intelligence, Volume 7999, p.182-191, (2013)